10 Best programming memes #1

Matteo Possamai
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2022

Having fun is something really important in each field. With this article, I will try to give you a little bit of fun, as a software engineer. There will be also a small explanation for each meme, even if I hope that it will be useless. Let’s start with the meaning of the whole article…

Meme #1

Reading long and hypertechnical documentation can be painful. Way better waste 6 hours in debugging. DON’T DO THAT AT HOME

Meme #2

The pleasure given by the ability to write 100 lines of code in a row, without a single error… is something that only a few have ever experimented with. This is something that everyone should feel once in a lifetime haha.

Meme #3

If the code works, but you write an awful test that fails, you need to refactor. After a while, you realize that it was correct. This could be pretty painful, for the time lost.

Meme #4

Have you ever worked with node? If you did you don’t need any explanation. If you didn't, I can guarantee that node_modules is incredibly heavy, especially when it comes to committing, and you didn’t write the .gitignore file

Meme #5

Never live your code for too much time, because you will never be able to touch it again. It will look that it is like it has been written by someone else.

Meme #6

When we talk about backend developers, we think about people that create the infrastructure of the web, not about someone that looks at the back of the monitor. This is really funny,

Meme #7

Have you ever coded in PHP? What do you think about it? It is not really a loved language, because of his bad perks. This is why it is the least appealing language on this list.

Meme #8

If you are a programmer you don’t need an explanation. (!false means not false, it is true). You are in the wrong article if you needed the explanation

Meme #9

Guess what is the problem. The issue is the fact that you need to start from 0, as the index of the array.

Meme #10

The most important thing about code is that it works. If it does, nothing more is needed.


These have been 10 of the funniest programming memes. If you enjoyed it, consider a clap, and follow for more. There will be a following article, if you like it.



Matteo Possamai
Writer for

Computer science student, technology enthusiast, interested in backend services, software development and Open Source.