20 Years Old Senior Developer Job Interview. Joke or New Reality?

Spoiler — he was damn awesome

Denys Opria


IT sphere is young. It always was. The skinny geniuses were creating history in their parent’s garages. The spirit of innovation is one of the best things ever. And it’s the core part of IT.

Innovation was one of the things that lured me in. I started my career as a software engineer in my early 20s. But the keyword in the previous sentence is “started”.

Nowadays, things go even faster. The developers become even younger.

A couple of days ago, I had to interview 20 years old senior developer. Some context, usually this position require at least 5 years of experience and deep knowledge of technologies.

Isn’t that shocking?!


First of all, I was surprised by the look of that candidate. He was 20 but looked like my 16 years old brother that started shaving barely last year.

So I couldn’t resist and asked a couple of personal questions. Answers were honest and inspiring.

He started coding in his early 16. No good grades at school, because it was boring. Meanwhile, computers were always interesting, especially games.



Denys Opria
Writer for

Developer, Thinker, Dreamer ✦ 20x Top Writer ✦ Progress Academy Founder — https://medium.com/progress-academy