3 Awesome Pycharm Plugins Every Python Should Have!

Improve your productivity and make Pycharm look better with these plugins.

Ishaan Gupta
2 min readMay 20, 2022


Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) used in computer programming, specifically for the Python programming language. It is one of the most popular IDEs for development in Python.

But with these plugins, you can scale your developing game and make it more productive.

Below you will find the 3 Pycharm plugins every Pythoneer should install.

1.) Kite: Smart Autocompletion

The Pycharm consists of it’s own auto-completion engine which is okayish, but if you want to take auto-completion to the next level, you must install Kite.

Kite is an AI-powered plugin which makes it easier for auto-completion in Pycharm. With this plugin, you can get fast completions that are context-aware of your code.

Source: Kite

2.) Key Promoter X

Pycharm contains plenty of shortcuts which saves your time from constant switching between mouse and keyboard, and we devs hate to use mouse😂.

Pycharm has so many shortcuts that it’s hard for us to remember all of them. To overcome this problem, this plugin helps us to learn shortcuts while we’re working. Every time you use the mouse on a button inside Pycharm, the plugin will show you the keyboard shortcut that you should have used instead.

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3.) String Manipulation

As the name itself states, this plugin helps us to manipulate any string. With this plugin, you can do things such as switch the case of a word, reverse characters, swap words, encode/decode, etc. It becomes extremely useful when you want to edit strings without leaving Pycharm.

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Final Thoughts

Well, here are some Awesome plugins to upscale your python development. I hope you find this article helpful and have learned some new things. Share this article with your Pythoneer Friends.

Happy Coding!



Ishaan Gupta
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