3 Cybersecurity Priorities for Digital Transformation

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4 min readNov 9, 2022

Digital transformation is commonly recognized as the key to firms’ survival in today’s lightning-paced environment. Organizations may stay relevant, adaptable, and productive in a fiercely competitive market by converting manual processes to digital ones. It is apparent that digitalization is essential to long-term success, whether that means businesses switching to a digital payroll or training providers in online learning platforms.

Many organizations have passed over a vital phase in the digitalization process, cybersecurity, in their haste — especially as they quickly responded to a worldwide catastrophe in a matter of only weeks. Only when cybersecurity is the cornerstone for the digital revolution can it be reliable and resilient. Organizations, their employees, and their customers are left vulnerable because they have neglected cybersecurity in their haste to go digital.

Without cybersecurity, digital transformation is only a slogan

A tidal wave of data and connections is typically produced by digital transformation, which is broken down into four categories: domain, process, business model, and organizational/cultural. Although this abundance of information opens up new possibilities for innovation and optimization, it also makes businesses more susceptible to cyberthreats and data breaches. This means that companies frequently invest millions of dollars in digitizing their operations only to run the danger of a data breach.

This means that any new technology plan should be viewed as having both advantages and vulnerabilities. Before digital transformation can take place safely, firms need to take the time to establish smart cybersecurity foundation in order to safeguard their ROI, reputations, and consumers.

But before that, organizations need to understand their capacity and vulnerabilities first before choosing which cybersecurity framework to focus on. Among these challenges, organization should focuses on these 3 cybersecurity priorities to improve their digital transformation!

Cyber Resilience

Every digital touchpoint where the organization is exposed to risk must be described by the cybersecurity expert; this is typically done by determining how new technologies will be integrated into the overall system. These endpoints can be equipped with sophisticated monitoring tools like user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) and convergent security information and event management (SIEM) to increase security and guarantee a smooth digital rollout. Chief information security officers (CISOs) and other cybersecurity professionals can proactively protect against a variety of cyberattacks by fostering cyber resilience inside their organizations. Cybersecurity resilience can be improved by performing a risk assessment of pertinent cyberattack kinds and frequencies and developing an event recovery strategy.

Implementing Zero Trust

Zero trust is the assumption of compromise and does not merely grant trust to genuine accounts or devices, nor does it entail turning a blind eye to behavior when a legitimate user authenticates. The zero trust strategy, which is preferred by reputable organizations like NIST, combats fraud and theft by continuously observing and examining activities. This makes it more difficult for attackers to be successful by simply stealing or cloning one object, such as a password, device, or SIM card. By adopting and implementing a zero trust framework in an organization means reducing the risk of a cybersecurity incident by continually authenticating users. In order to implement zero trust, security leaders should establish C-suite buy-in, attain endpoint visibility, segment the organizational network, and establish least-privilege access.

Identity and Access Management

IAM (identity and access management) makes ensuring that the appropriate individuals and job functions within your business have access to the resources they require to perform their duties. Your company can manage staff apps with the help of identity management and access systems without having to log in as an administrator to every app. Systems for managing identities and access give your business the ability to control the identities of people, computers, robots, and Internet of Things (IoT) objects. Security professionals can expose their firms to cyberattacks as malicious actors pose as privileged users if they lack a strong identity and access management (IAM) policy. Organizations may stay resilient in a changing technological environment by identifying IAM stakeholders and creating access and identity strategies that support business objectives.

The fact is that every business needs a manual outlining how security incidents should be handled in order to ensure that harm has been minimized. Cyber resilience is now a crucial component of every digital transformation strategy as the rate of digital transformation quickens.

Cybersecurity must be treated as a reconsideration in the process of digital transformation by organizations. It would be foolish to invest in digitalization without also strengthening cybersecurity procedures. But once the foundation is put in place, trailblazers may innovate and lead their businesses to greater heights. The evolving digital transformation should be combined with a robust cybersecurity techniques. The priority of building cyber resilience, implementing zero trust, identity and access management can support organizations to secure their process, technology, as well as enhance cybersecurity expertise.

Check also Multimatics’ curated insights that discuss about digital transformation, cybersecurity, and latest technology trends!



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