3 Simple Side Hustles to Make Extra Income per Month as a Data Scientist

Side hustles that are simple to do along with your full-time job.

Saed Hussain
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2021


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

So you are a data scientist and have a full-time job. But you want to make some extra money on the side, without adding crazy stress to your life.

Or you just want to dip your toes into the world of side hustles before you commit to replacing your full-time job with it.

In either case, here are the top 3 side hustles that I think are simple to do, without too much effort.


I am sure everyone here has searched for technical questions or tutorials or profession-related advice online, and there was a helpful post by someone that helped you out.

Well, guess what, you could be that someone helping out by posting your knowledge and thoughts. And please don’t tell me that your knowledge or experience in the field is insignificant. Trust me, all that matters is your perspective on the topic.

It could be that your post on the topic was the final content that someone needed to read to completely understand the topic. Simple because your perspective/approach resonated with them.

