Job Search | Money | Jobs

3 Things That Can Ruin Your Job Search

Avoid them to get a well-paid job at a top company.

Denys Opria
Published in
5 min readJan 18, 2022


Photo by Jenni Jones on Unsplash

Job search is a stressful process. You need to create a CV — your resume. Apply to dozen companies. Then pass a crazy amount of online and live interviews. And, in the end, this does not guarantee a well-paid job.

Finding the right job is not easy. Many smart people and excellent experts have trouble searching for jobs. It requires certain skills and knowledge that are not taught in school.

During the search, it’s important to avoid traps that await you along the way. I will tell you in this article about the most dangerous of them.

#1 Leaving Preparation to the Will of God

80% of candidates do it. They just don’t know that they can affect the result. They sincerely believe — all the will of God. These candidates only hope and wait for a perfect job to come.

But a perfect job doesn’t come by itself. You need to work hard to get it.

There are important things to prepare in advance to succeed in the job search. For example:




Denys Opria
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