33 Viewpager2 Transformers for Your Android ui’s

Animate your Pages with ViewPager2 Page-Transformers

M.N Emmanuel
Published in
6 min readMar 8, 2021


By Pixabay on Pexels

For a seasoned android developer, it is almost impossible to work on any concise android project which does not require the use of a ViewPager, to my experience, on average, eight apps on ten require a ViewPager in one way or another.

A ViewPageris the widget that allows the user to swipe left or right to see an entirely new screen or page. It is a nice and practical way of displaying tabs or fragments and navigating between them. The ViewPager, since its release, has served android developers in a great way and is still doing a great job today, but it also has some limitations that eventually led to the birth of ViewPager2.


ViewPager2 is an improved version of the ViewPager library that offers enhanced functionality and addresses common difficulties with using ViewPager.

ViewPager2 also supports vertical page swiping which ViewPager does not support.


A PageTransformer is a class that is invoked whenever a visible/attached page is scrolled in a ViewPager or a ViewPager2, it offers the possibility to execute a custom transformation to page views…



M.N Emmanuel
Writer for

Full stack Mobile Developer, with tech stack, Android, Kotlin, java, React, React Native, Flutter, Dart, C# Xamarin.