4 Powerful Lessons Learnt from Building a Mobile App

Dominic C
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2023

Building a product is a difficult journey, one that, for me, was filled with many mistakes and many learnings

https://www.workoutquestapp.com/ Landing Page

I’ve spent a little over a year working on Workout Quest, a gamified workout tracker for both iOS and Android. As a predominantly backend-focused engineer, this was my first foray into creating something from scratch that end users would consume on the web or mobile. I chose to use React Native in order to target both major mobile platforms, a decision that felt right at the time. I also built out a backend in DotNet, and some related infrastructure in AWS. Currently, the product is in a state that I am more than happy with, however, it’s taken me quite a while to get here, and there are a few reasons for this.

Please take these learnings with a grain of salt, as they mainly come from a place of trying to launch a product, more so than a side project.

1. Leverage Your Expertise

If your background is in coding, embrace the languages and frameworks you’re familiar with. For me, using React Native was a natural progression from my experience with React, although it came with its own set of challenges. Remember, familiar tools can be your strongest allies.

2. Embrace Ready-Made Solutions

In hindsight, creating custom authentication systems from scratch was overkill. Platforms like Superbase offer robust solutions that can save you precious time. Don’t shy away from these ready-made tools; they’re often more efficient than DIY methods.

3. Prioritize User Feedback

Never underestimate user feedback. In several instances, it redirected my focus from features I assumed were important to what users actually wanted. Engage with your audience early to shape your app in alignment with their preferences.

4. Strategically Scale Your Tech

Do you really need a complex infrastructure from day one? Start with what’s necessary and scale up as your user base grows. It’s about being resourceful and adaptable, not just technologically ready.


So, there you have it. Building Workout Quest has been a wild ride with lots of ups, downs, and learning curves. These lessons aren’t just about coding or design; they’re about being smart, efficient, and user-focused. Whether you’re a coding veteran or just starting, I hope these nuggets from my experience can help you on your own app-building journey. Keep it real, and here’s to making awesome apps that people love!




