45 Coding Tips to improve your coding skills

Everything I have learned in the last years

Kesk -*-


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

In this post, I leave you a series of tips for coding that complement an article I wrote two years ago. Enjoy it!

  1. Set up version control (e.g., Github, Bitbucket) and perform regular commits, even individual projects. Apply it to projects where you work alone, and you won't regret losing data or knowing why something was working yesterday.
  2. Use descriptive names in your commits, do not use names like "Fixes" or "Refactor," or "Minor changes."
  3. Review all your changes before any commit. Check the logic and simplify whenever possible. Refactor if necessary.
  4. Write your code thinking in other developers and write your code for your future self.
  5. Use comments to explain why you have done something, not to explain how.
  6. Learn to Google correctly.
  7. Try to learn to copy and paste but understand behind's scenes.
  8. Learn to debug correctly.
  9. Read the documentation.
  10. Don't just start coding wildly or based on what you've seen on Stackoverflow.
  11. Try to learn to copy and paste but additionally understand behind's scenes.



Kesk -*-
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Software engineer - software Enthusiast - Sci-Fi writer.