5 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Learn Design Patterns Today

And solve all kinds of problems

Arnold Abraham


Image Made By The Author via Canva.com

You might work as a programmer for years without knowing a single pattern. That’s what a lot of devs do. But not the successful ones.

See, design patterns offer tested solutions. Learning patterns will help you solve all kinds of problems without reinventing the wheel every time.

Hence, you and your teammates can communicate efficiently using design patterns as the common language. Everyone will understand if you say, “Just use a Singleton.”

The 5 Compelling Reasons in Short

  1. One Solution to Many Problems (Concrete & Well-Tested Solutions)
  2. Utilize Them for Efficiency (Write Code Faster: They Show You How to Implement a Design).
  3. Reusable to the Maximum (Write Once, Use Millions of Times)
  4. Your Code Stays Readable & Maintainable (Even If You Return after Months)
  5. Experienced Developers Talk in Design-Patters as Common Language

1. One Solution to Many Problems

You can build flexible, scalable, and maintainable software using design patterns. That’s the only code you should bring to the table.



Arnold Abraham
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