5 Reasons Software Engineers Quit Their Jobs
And 5 reasons why we don’t… a management guide to retaining staff!
#include <introduction.h>
I woke up with a headache today and got to thinking about taking a day off sick as I couldn’t quite think straight. Not that that matters, I suppose, if you’d seen my code but I did wonder how bad a job related headache would have to be in order for me to actually quit my job — you know, if it was either stress related or something to do with having to do some Kubernetes.
So I got to thinking about why software engineers really leave their jobs.
Alas, that’s usually quite an easy target as most of the time it’s management related — but, not always. Indeed many people, primarily management admittedly, have quite a few misconceptions around this — thinking that we leave for some particular reasons when, actually, we don’t.
After careful consideration during an extremely dire and overly long Teams meeting on something irrelevant¹, I decided to put together a guide (for management) as to how to retain their progressive developers.
Let’s start with the reasons we leave, then the reasons we don’t leave — and if you’re a manager of some capacity who deals with us developers now would be a good…