5 Reasons to Use a Rolling-Release Linux Distribution

Michael L. Hawkins
Published in
5 min readMar 31, 2022
Rolling for Victory!

Linux users have a choice between two types of desktop distributions:

  1. Fixed (or Standard) release systems, which offer security updates but usually delay application updates until the next version release; or
  2. Rolling-release systems, with regular updates of all packages, so that, under normal circumstances, re-installation or version upgrades are never required.

While many Linux users just want to get work done on their systems and couldn’t care less about the age of their software, there are several good reasons to choose a rolling-release distribution as one’s main production machine.

1. Cutting-edge applications

There is something about having access to the latest version of one’s favorite programs that makes a rolling-release user smile.

When I first started with Linux some 25 years ago, I used Debian on its stable branch, and one of the things that always bothered me was having to wait a year or two for new versions of outdated applications. As the years passed, I would read about new and improved application versions, always available on expert-level rolling-release distributions like Arch or Gentoo, but usually far into the future on Debian, Slackware or OpenSUSE (before Tumbleweed emerged). I bounced from one fixed-releases distribution to another until 2012, when I discovered Manjaro, based on rolling-release Arch Linux without having to install Arch from scratch, at which time I discovered what it’s like to run the freshest software on a regular basis. I have been using rolling-release systems ever since.

2. Latest Kernel

If a Linux user owns a new laptop or desktop computer, having access to a very recent Linux kernel can make the difference between being able to install and run Linux or having to stick with the proprietary operating system that came with the hardware (almost always either Microsoft Windows or Apple’s Mac).

With each subsequent kernel version, new features (including drivers) are introduced that embed functionality into the basic system. This relieves downstream developers from the need to create and maintain separate packages. Each new kernel also drops functionality that applied to long-outdated hardware, but now represents unneeded bloat.

With a rolling-release distribution, access to the latest kernel is usually automatic. With a fixed-release distribution, it is often possible to install a newer kernel, but there’s a chance that it causes instability that can break the system. With most distributions, fixed or rolling, the user can retain multiple kernel versions (two or three is common), so that if one of them fails, the user can boot into a previous version.

3. Early Access to Desktop Environment Innovations

Actively-developed desktop environments (DE) like Gnome (my #1 choice), KDE, Deepin, Cinnamon, Budgie, Mate and LXQt issue periodic version updates that often solve bugs and bring new functionality. While it’s true that, upon initial launch, a new DE sometimes introduces bothersome regressions, these bugs are usually ironed out with subsequent point-releases. For many users, it’s worth grappling with small issues (like Gnome extension incompatibility) in order to enjoy all the new bells and whistles.

At the time of this writing (last days of March, 2022), my rolling-release OpenSUSE Tumbleweed installation upgraded to Gnome 42 a week ago, and I’ve been experiencing its new dark mode, screenshot UI and other goodies, for several days. On the other hand, my rolling-release Manjaro/Arch and Debian Sid systems are still on Gnome 41, with fixed-release Fedora and Ubuntu set to issue new releases with Gnome 42 in another two to four weeks. For me, early-access to a new Gnome version through Tumbleweed has resulted in zero extension incompatibilities, and my itch to roll with the latest Gnome is scratched before almost anyone else.

4. No System Upgrade Required

In short, with a rolling-release distribution, the system is constantly upgraded and the need to go through a massive release-upgrade every 6, 9, 12 or 24 months is eliminated. Since release-upgrades are the cause of nearly all my fixed-release system breakages, being able to eliminate this torturous ritual is a huge reason for me to go with rolling-release distributions.

5. Can Be as Stable as a Fixed-Release Distribution

Conventional wisdom says that fixed-release distributions like Debian, Ubuntu and OpenSUSE Leap can be relied upon for rock-solid stability, while rolling-release distributions like Arch, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and Debian Sid are inherently unstable, since they are always introducing new versions of packages that are not tested as thoroughly as in fixed-releases.

The truth is, Arch, Tumbleweed, Debian “Unstable” (Sid) and most other rolling-release distributions pass through some sort of testing or evaluation phase before packages are released to the main repositories. In the case of Manjaro, which offers three separate repository channels (Stable, Testing and Unstable), Unstable is nearly identical to Arch mainstream, so by the time Arch packages reach Manjaro’s Stable channel, they have been as thoroughly tested as many fixed-release distributions. I’ve been running two different Debian Sid installations for over two years each, and nothing has ever happened that irretrievably broke my system — although, to be fair, there are occasions when I need to enhance my learning curve in order to fix certain issues that eventually arise. For the most part, updates come and go, and I’m able to keep working without a glitch.

Rolling-release distributions are designed for the steady flow of new software packages, and a lot of breakage that may have been common a few years ago has been ironed out and eliminated, with newer and newer solutions to instability issues being introduced all the time. Even with occasional small issues, I’m nearly always able to search the Internet for fixes and am almost never faced with having to reinstall a system. When I do install a fixed-release distribution, there will inevitably come a time when an update or upgrade bricks my system, and I must go through the time-consuming process of re-installation.


It should be clear that, when it comes to running Linux, I prefer rolling-releases to fixed releases. I want access to the newest software, and I want to avoid version-upgrades that often break my systems. As time passes and I learn more about Linux, I realize that rolling-releases can be as stable as (or more stable than) fixed-releases, so long as I pay attention to update notifications on forums and email lists, and I’m willing to search the internet for solutions to minor issues. The more engaged I am with the Linux community, the more confident I am in solving inevitable issues that come up with all distributions.

That said, if you are new to Linux and have been using an entry-level distribution like Ubuntu or Mint, you may want to give a rolling-release distribution a try. It’s possible that you’ll never turn back.

Examples of Rolling-Release Distributions

If you’re new to Linux and want to give a rolling-release distribution a try, here is a list of examples. I have, at one time or another, tried all of them. Base distributions are listed with derivative distributions beneath. I recommend Manjaro to begin with, but eventually you may want to try some of the others.









OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

Gecko Rolling

Debian Unstable (Sid) or Testing


Sparky Rolling



Michael L. Hawkins
Writer for

Linux Enthusiast, Archetypal Astrologer, Creative Writer