5 Signs You’re Coding Under Stress

What are the red flags which make developers quit?

Milos Zivkovic


Toni Koraza

What is the main driver for job-hopping? Better pay. Studies have shown, and we can confirm.

What are other factors for quitting? What makes one go from happily churning code to leaving without looking back?

Let’s dive in. Refer to TOC for faster navigation.

· 1. Relying on false promises
· 2. Constant worker’s abuse
· 3. No visible growth
· 4. Back-to-back pointless meetings
· 5. Phony deadlines
· Summary

1. Relying on false promises

Managers lie about the feature set. This happened to me, and it’s not pleasant. You need to work overtime, to finish on time. Tricks salespeople use harm developers a lot. Don’t work on a project, where you need to lie about bugs, features, and make false promises.

Making false promises behind the developer’s back. This is so common, everyone experiences negligence. What are the cases of negligence?

  • No room for new schedules
  • Scope creep is high
  • Getting the work done, no questions asked
  • No room for improvement, if it works don’t touch it

2. Constant worker’s abuse

