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5 Things I learned after solving 1000+ Coding Problems

Rahul Codes
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2023


As a programmer, solving coding problems is an essential part of improving your skills and staying up-to-date with the latest coding techniques. Over the years, I have solved over 1000 coding problems, and this experience has taught me several valuable lessons that I believe every programmer should know. In this article, I will share the top five lessons that I learned after solving 1000+ coding problems.

  1. You will forget old solutions: As a programmer, I have encountered several instances where I have come across a problem that I had already solved in the past. However, I couldn’t remember how I had solved it. It can be frustrating, but it is crucial not to give up and try to re-achieve what you accomplished in the past. To prevent forgetting old solutions, it is important to document your solutions in a notebook or a digital document.
  2. The solution can be easier than what you expect: As part of any technical interview or code challenge, the interviewer might ask you about ways to improve your solution. It is always essential to try and find ways to improve your solution after you have solved it once. The solution can be easier than what you expect, and there might be other ways to optimize your code.
  3. DSA is not what books teach you: People often have a misconception and fear of DSA problems. You don’t have to memorize, reproduce or implement a sorting algorithm. The real challenge is to imagine how a solution could work and selecting the right DSA technique to solve your puzzle. It is essential to understand the basics of DSA and not just focus on memorizing them.
  4. Think more than once: It is crucial not to rush into solving a problem. It is important to create an idea in your head and then write the code. By thinking more about the problem, you can develop a better understanding of it and come up with an optimal solution.
  5. Know your data structures: Sometimes, you will be able to solve a problem using an array. Still, maybe the problem can be solved better using a stack or a HashMap. It is important to understand which situation requires which data structure. By knowing your data structures, you can optimize your code and improve your problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, solving 1000+ coding problems has taught me valuable lessons about forgetting old solutions, finding easier solutions, understanding DSA, thinking more, and knowing my data structures. These lessons can help programmers improve their skills, optimize their code, and become more efficient problem solvers. As a programmer, it is essential to keep learning and improving your skills continually. By implementing these lessons into your coding routine, you can become a better programmer and achieve your goals in the world of coding.

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Rahul Codes
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