7 Common Mistakes Every Beginner Programmer Makes

Listing very common mistakes of beginners in their first project and how to avoid them



I am sharing my personnel experience where the beginner programmer will do the mistake. It may be their first project in application development or any other software development. Doing mistakes is very common. Even experienced people will do the mistakes. We will learn only from our mistakes. Here I am sharing the 7 common mistakes every beginner programmer will do in their project.

1. Wrong Copy Paste:

This is a very common problem among beginner developers. If we are not able to solve the problem, what we do?. We always google to find the solution. Of course, Google will give a better link for our problem. Most of the time we will get the required code. Without understanding the code, what beginner developers will do?. They will simply copy-paste the entire code and run the application to check whether it is working or not.

This is a very bad approach. Why because we can not simply copy-paste other’s solution to our code. It won’t work. First, we need to understand how the problem is solved. Then we have to modify our code based on the solution you found on the internet. This is how we have to work. If we are not…



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AWS | DevOps | Kubernetes | Terraform| Angular | Deep&Machine Learning, Ionic, Full Stack Developer. Learn more at https://github.com/bharathirajatut