7 Programming Languages to Prepare 2022 and Impress Your Boss.

This article will walk you through the top 7 programming languages you should follow to SUPER BOOST your CV in 2022, according to PYPL index.

Sajid Lhessani


Six months to go before the end of the year and if you are starting with programming and data science, choosing the right programming language to start with can be challenging.

Indeed, the growing demand in the industry can make it confusing and finding the one which will suit your need can be challenging.

In this article, you will a recap of the seven most promising programming languages to prepare for 2022, according to data, salary and PYPL (PopularitY Programming Language index) report 2020 based on Google Trends data.

Along with this article, information related to salary expectations are focus on the US and Indian Market.

Let’s go straight to the point and start this list by number seven, representing almost 4% of the market share on Google Trend research last year: R.

7. R (3.72% market share)

R was conceived by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka in 1992. R is a comprehensive and statistical analysis language, and it encourages…



Sajid Lhessani
Writer for

Data scientist working in Banking and Capital market. London Based. Follow me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AlgorithmicTradingbySajid