7 Tips for Tech Newbies

Lucky Jones
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2022

Tech can be exciting, but it can also be intimidating. As someone who is still on my journey, I’ve experienced both. In hopes of helping newcomers like myself, the following is a list of seven pieces of advice for anyone who has recently made the decision to break into tech but may not know where to start.

Do your research

The tech industry is extremely intricate, and you will find yourself going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole — this is okay. The internet is a great place to find all of the information you need in order to land a job in tech. Be open to exploring as much as possible when choosing your career path.

Create a plan and commit

By all means, this is not something you want to try to wing. I highly recommend drafting a plan that is tailored to your learning style and schedule. For example, your plan may include (1) online learning; (2) bootcamps; (3) self-paced learning; (4) certifications; and/or (5) creating projects. This is where you really get to know yourself because it is critical to choose what’s best for you versus what you see others doing.

Be prepared for an uphill battle

As with anything else, an overload of new information is a steep learning curve. It can be challenging, especially when you feel as if you aren’t retaining the information. Imposter Syndrome will set in when least expected, so get ready to self-motivate. A short list of affirmations to read through can be helpful to combat this feeling. A favorite of mine is, “I am a high achiever who is extremely competent. I deserve to excel.

Take a break when you feel overwhelmed

You are human, and it is natural. Allow yourself some time to decompress when the subject matter gets thick (and it will). Set and reset as many times as needed. You will be more likely to comprehend complex concepts when you feel refreshed.


As an introvert, I found this to be the most difficult. Finding a community of individuals who share a common goal that you can lean on for support is no easy task. However, there are some very nice people who are willing to share resources, contacts, and tips — so don’t shy away from putting yourself out there. I recommend using LinkedIn and Twitter for this.

Document your journey

In my opinion, this may be the most important of the seven tips. It is also the easiest way to naturally network. By sharing where you are in your journey, you will most likely inspire others who will want to ask questions, add you to their network, or simply congratulate you on your progress. This, in turn, will motivate you to keep going. Consistency is key here. It doesn’t mean posting every day, but the more you’re able to, the better.


When learning new things, we oftentimes feel unprepared. However, one of the best ways to build your confidence is to demonstrate your understanding in a professional setting. As a newbie in tech, it is very likely that you will not get the first position that you apply for, or the second or third, for that matter. This can be discouraging, but try to look at it this way — each rejection in retrospect shows you which skillset you will need to strengthen in order to qualify for the position.

The most important takeaway: Stay the course and give yourself time. Understand that there is no “definite” path. You will be surprised how far initiative, a good attitude, and a willingness to learn can take you.

