7 Useful JetBrains IDE Plugins to Make Your Life EasierーPart- 6

Power Up Your IDE

Farhan Tanvir


Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash

An IDE is a weapon of a developer. Having a good IDE is essential. A good IDE with some great plugins will help you to be more productive. JetBrains is a cutting-edge software vendor specializing in the creation of intelligent development tools, including IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, Android Studio, etc.

This article is a part of a series on the awesome plugins of JetBrains IDE in which I always compiled a list of 7 plugins that will help you in your development journey.

1. New Relic CodeStream

This is one of the most installed plugins with more than 1.9M installation. This plugin is a developer collaboration platform that integrates all of your essential dev tools into your IDE. It eliminates context-switching and simplifies code discussion and code review by putting collaboration tools in your IDE.



Farhan Tanvir
Writer for

Believes in learn by doing . Currently working as a software engineer. Love to share Knowledge. https://twitter.com/FarhanTanvirBD