9 Advantages of Flutter: Good for Mobile App Development?

Mahipalsinh Rana
Published in
7 min readOct 7, 2021

Flutter has caught the attention of the entire development community, and all for good reasons. Google launched Flutter as an open-source mobile application development technology.

Flutter is the go-to technology for mobile app development because of its ability to speed up the process. Additionally, it reduces the overall development cost, which further helps startups and businesses.

Using Flutter, the developers can leverage Google’s UI Toolkit to design and build native applications while taking advantage of incredible user interfaces.

Understanding the Surge in Flutter

It has been a little over four years since Flutter first launched, and it has already bagged 131K stars on GitHub. In addition to this, we also checked the Stack Overflow Survey 2021, and it finds that 13.55% of the survey respondents love using and working with Flutter.

Several reasons accrue to help us understand this surge and mass adoption of Flutter in mobile app development:

1. Cross-Platform Development

Every efficient mobile app development company wants to reduce the time required for development while optimizing the development costs and efforts put in for the same.

Flutter allows them to build one application for different platforms at once, hence, cross-platform compatibility. The developers end up writing less code, which leads to favorable outcomes.

2. Easy to Use Plugins

Flutter has a wide range of in-built UI use cases and capabilities. In addition to this, the developers can access extra widgets and tools for an even better outcome by putting in minimal effort. More plugins mean that the developers can easily expand the development horizon.

3. Scalable Applications

Flutter app developers use Google’s Firebase support structure to create serverless and scalable applications. Not only this helps increase the speed of development, but it also lets the companies grow their applications quickly as and when they need.

4. Growing Community

More than 2 million Flutter app developers are making for a big and close-knit community of like-minded professionals. The graph below shows the usage of different cross-platform mobile app development frameworks by developers globally.

Furthermore, more than 5000 developers want to work with Dart, but they are currently working with JavaScript, says the Stack Overflow Survey.

Source: Statista

Flutter Is Preferred Over Xamarin and React Native

Besides Flutter, other cross-platform solutions are used by mobile app development services like Xamarin and React Native. While these technologies have their own set of benefits and community support, Flutter is a preferred solution.

This is because Flutter provides access to a comprehensive development environment, including the APIs, widgets, CLI tools, etc. Furthermore, these tools and widgets are customizable.

When you hire Flutter experts, their ability to customize and understand the integration of these tools is important to know their comprehension of the technology. Moreover, Flutter is considered to be more reliable because of Google’s backing.

Several other reasons show why Flutter is setting new standards in mobile app development services, which can also be referred to as the benefits of using Flutter.

Top 9 Advantages of Flutter

1. Single Codebase

Flutter works with a write-once approach, which means that you only need to write the code once and can run it anywhere, depending on the platform. If not for Flutter, a mobile app development company would have to employ various developers for building applications for different platforms.

But when it comes to Flutter, the developers have to write the code once, and it will run on Android and iOS devices seamlessly. This reduces the effort required to build an application. This increases the development speed while reducing the time.

2. Hot Reloading

This is one of the best features of Flutter and also the reason why it has gained popularity in a few years of its launch. Hot reloading allows the Flutter developers to see the changes made to the code in the View component instantly. This means that the developers do not need to recompile the code after every short edit.

It saves them a lot of time and effort that is otherwise put into editing the code repeatedly until they get the desired result. With hot reloading, the developers can create a side-to-side window of coding and View component. As they code, the View component shows the end result. Besides writing the code speedily, hot reloading is especially important for bug fixing, and the developers can experience real-time code modification.

4. Dart

Dart is a client-optimized programming language that helps build applications fast on and for any platform. Like Flutter, Dart was also developed and launched by Google in 2012.

We see several possibilities in Flutter come from Dart, including a productive coding environment and multi-platform support. A Flutter app developer must be well trained and experienced in using Dart.

5. Native Performance

Developing applications with Flutter means that the developers can build a native-like application with high-performance interfaces and nativity. A Flutter app developer can easily incorporate all the platform-specific differences into the code like scrolling, navigation, icons, fonts, etc.

In other words, no matter on which platform the application will run, Flutter can help deliver a native interface associated with the platform.

6. Faster Development

A mobile app development company using Flutter can build the application faster because it only requires writing the code once and run it anywhere. In a competitive market, faster time to market is crucial for a successful business. Besides a single codebase, the hot reload feature also helps increase the development speed.

This is because the developers can quickly view the edits and speed up the bug fixing process. Everything boils down to the fact that an application that is launched first in the market has a higher chance of gaining popularity and mass adoption.

7. MVP-Oriented Development

Organizations prefer hiring a mobile app development company that knows and has experience in Flutter development. Flutter is best-suited for MVP development due to several reasons, including faster development and simplicity.

For a startup or any business looking to secure funding, showing an MVP increases the chances of success. Furthermore, Flutter development takes less time and resources. If that’s not all, Flutter is compatible with Firebase, which removes the need to create separate backends for developing the MVP version.

8. Less Effort in Testing

Imagine developing an application without Flutter. You will need two or more development teams that will cater to Android and iOS. Everything will be doubled, including the time, cost, and development.

With Flutter, while reducing the cost and development complexities, you can also speed up the time required for testing. As the application is tested and verified quickly, it contributes to accelerated completion of the development process.

9. Flutter Is Easy to Set up and Maintain

Flutter has a single codebase, making it easier to maintain and set up. Easy setup implies that initiating the development process with Flutter is quicker. Along with this, easy maintenance streamlines the testing and bug fixing exercise. The maintenance and testing team does not have to go back and forth between the windows as it is enabled with hot reloading.

All the above points summarise that Flutter mobile app development services are fast, easy, and structured to accelerate the development process. Developing an application using Flutter can create an intuitive and advanced user interface integrated with relevant and effective widgets & APIs according to the requirements.

Working Examples of Flutter

Due to its simple coding and faster development, Flutter has been used for various applications and business solutions. With this in mind, here’s a list of the most popular applications built with Flutter.

An Overview of the Changes in Flutter 2.5

Flutter 2.5 is one of the big releases in the history of upgrades and improvements. The latest release in Flutter brings along several improvements and addresses several performance issues reported by the developers and users.

With the new release, you will use the Android full-screen support and more of Material You and an updated text editing function that supports switchable keyboards.

Along with this, there are performance enhancements for iOS development, including the shader warmup and a reduction in iOS jank.


Flutter is a game-changing technology for mobile app development. Using it, a Flutter app developer can build any type of application, including gaming, utility, eCommerce, lifestyle, etc., and add it with bespoke features and functions.

All of this is completed in a short period because of the in-built capabilities of the framework. Almost every mobile app development company needs to have a team of Flutter experts to attract more clients because Flutter is one of the perfect technologies to build advanced and market-oriented solutions or applications.

If you know about more advantages of Flutter or have any questions, please use the comment box below.

Originally published at https://solutionsuggest.com on October 7, 2021.



Mahipalsinh Rana
Writer for

Mahipalsinh Rana is a CTO of Inexture, a leading python development company. He has more than 15 years of experience in Liferay Development. www.inexture.com