9 Tasks at the End of Your Drupal Migration

Nevin Katz
Published in
6 min readFeb 7, 2022


“Are we there yet?” Photo by Pixabay

Picture it — after a full year of planning, design, and relentless tech work, you are in the final stretch of migrating your website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9.

At long last, all the content from the old D7 site shows up on the new D9, and the spiffy new website theme is done. The QA team has been scouring the pages and after long series of bug reports and late-night fixes, the site theme checks out on all the devices you are testing — and features like the search widgets, interactive map, and forms finally work the way they should.

You feel a burst of euphoria as you push your changes to production and point your site’s domain name to the new Drupal 9 site. You ponder what you will say in your success email to all your site’s users.

But wait! Before you send that email, there are a few more things to check on.

Without further ado, below are nine tasks that are waiting for you at the end of your Drupal migration.

1. Check what it takes to log in.

If you had to repoint the same domain name from the old Drupal site to the new one, users may experience issues with logging in. Before emailing the larger audience, ask a team of testers to try logging in with their accounts. During this testing phase, heck on whether logging in…



Nevin Katz
Writer for

Developer at EDC. I write about web development and biology. Subscribe at https://buttondown.email/nevkatz for article roundups.