A Boilerplate to Self-Hosted Continuous Delivery Django Apps (Part-2)

Django, Docker, GitHub Actions, Workflow, Self-Hosting, Custom Runner

4 min readAug 22, 2022


Hi. In this article, I will write about a GitHub Actions Workflow that I created to automatize my deployment process on my own VPS. Actually, the workflow and project boilerplate that we will use is the boilerplate repo I created to handle these kinds of processes. Also, I have published an article about the repo. You can read the part 1 of this story by following the link below.

Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

GitHub Actions

We can automate our workflows by using GitHub Actions.

We can use them by creating .github/workflows folder in our repositories. I do not want to deep dive into the essential topics such as what GitHub Action is, what the YAML file is etc in order to save time.

Self-hosted CD Workflow

I generally use Hetzner to deploy my projects instead of GCP or AWS. It is more wallet-friendly than them. In self-hosted workflows, the main idea is to create a runner for tracking the trigger events on the workflow.


In my boilerplate repo, there is a file which is named cd.yml. I defined my workflow in this file.

Basically, this file does the steps below:

  • Execute this workflow when something is pushed on main branch.
  • Define a job as deploy
  • The job will run on self-hosted server
  • Get the last version of the code by using actions/checkout@v3
  • On the server, execute docker-compose build
  • On the server, execute docker-compose down
  • On the server, execute docker-compose up -d
  • On the server, execute docker container prune -f && docker image prune -f

Actually, it was straightforward to understand the file. We could use the options below to run our workflow on it.

However, I used self-hosted to run this workflow on my server. Now, everything is ready to use this workflow. We just need to set up a runner to track this workflow on our server.

Creating Runner

Under the Settings, we find Actions option. We use Runners tab under the Actions to create our runner.

Then we will find everything we will need by clicking just New self-hosted runner button.

Actually, when you follow the commands, you will successfully create your own runner. Probably, you will get an error like this Must not be executed as ROOT if you are root user. You can use the command below to bypass this security rule.

However, there is a tricky point. By using run.sh script, you can start your runner. But when you close the terminal, the runner will be closed. To deal with that, you should use svc.sh file. You can get how-to-use instructions by executing ./svc.sh help.

You can install the runner as a service on your server.

Then, you can start it by using the command below.

Also, you can check its health status.

You just need to use uninstall if you want to remove this runner.

Now, you can see your workflow under Actions section on your repo.

We see all of them failed because I didn’t set up a runner for this boilerplate repo


Hopefully, you enjoyed it. I always wondered about this topic. When I learned it, I was super happy. Because I dreamed that I could automatize my projects by using just GitHub instead of using AWS or GCP. You can visit the boilerplate repo I mentioned and used in the article by following the link below.

I also shared a video on my Youtube channel about how to use this repo and how we can easily deploy our projects on a real server. For now, it is just in Turkish. I believe that one day I will upload my videos in English :P

Kind regards




Lifelong learner & Developer. I use technology that helps me. mebaysan.com