A Day In the Life of A Software Engineer Working From Home

Waqas Shami
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2022


Photo by Nathan Riley on Unsplash

Many people have previously worked from home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It may be both a good and a bad thing for software engineers. On one hand, having the freedom to work from home is fantastic. On the other hand, it might be challenging to remain concentrated and productive outside of an office setting.

In this post, I’ll go through a typical day in my life as a software engineer working from home.

What Does a Typical Day Look Like?

As a software engineer working from home, I have a lot of flexibility in my schedule. Since I don’t have to commute to an office, I can typically take breaks as needed. However, working from home may sometimes be isolating, so I need to take care to maintain my productivity. So how would I describe a typical day?

I start by waking up at 6 am, taking a shower, and making breakfast. Before starting my working day, I take a few minutes to check my phone and respond to any urgent emails or messages. I then get dressed and sit at my desk to start work at 7 am.

I start my day by checking in with my team on our group chat. We go over our daily priorities to ensure everyone is on the same page. I then start doing the daily tasks assigned to me on the Jira Agile board. I usually take a break…



Waqas Shami
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I'm a #productivity nerd and an avid #traveler. Follow me on this new journey of balancing digital and physical worlds.