A Glimpse of the Future: Biomimicry as Technology

Peter Manthos
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2022


Photo by Fikri Rasyid on Unsplash

Janine Benyus introduced the term ‘Biomimicry’ in her 1997 book ‘Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature’. According to Benyus, humanity’s journey began with the Agricultural Revolution, accelerated with the Scientific Revolution, developed into the Industrial Revolution to wind up to the Petrochemical and Genetic Engineering Revolutions. Although today we can produce synthetically whatever we need and we can tamper with the genetic code, we have deluded ourselves into a false sense of autonomy, not acknowledging the fact that we are still subject to the laws of nature, same as all forms of life. These laws dictate that a species cannot take over all resources at the expense of its environment, without destroying its own community in the process. We need to learn from the wisdom that nature has accumulated in the course of its evolution…



Peter Manthos

Peter Manthos is a Babyboomer. He lives in Athens, Greece, reads voraciously and writes Non-fiction in The Thinker’s Almanac - https://manthosp.substack.com/