Forget about getElementById() and use meaningful ids

What getElementById() serves best is to pollute the code

Marian C.


getElementById() seems to be essential. It figures in decent tutorials, many smart people seem to use it. It But why people prefer it to its alternatives?

In this post I search for advantages of getElementById() by comparing it to its two alternatives. I cannot find any solid advantage, instead I demonstrate some peculiarities of getElementById() and other approaches.

getElementById() alternatives

I start from a simple HTML file containing one div with id attribute a:

<div id="a">A</div>

I opened the file in Chrome and opened the console. I can retrieve the reference to the div using three approaches:

getElementById(elementId) returns the first element among document descendants whose id attribute equals elementId. It can be regarded as a specialized variant of more modern universal querySelector(). At first glance getElementById() does not seem do more than querySelector() and, judging from the screenshot, it is not even…



Marian C.
Writer for

Java, JavaScript and SQL developer. Interested in data collection and visualization.