Adam Wathan (Part 1): Deluded, Predator, Or An Outright Fraud?

Jason Knight
Published in
26 min readMar 6, 2023


Hyena bearing its teeth.
I swear those making front-end “tools” make hyena’s look domesticated.

Generally — as much as some folks might doubt it — I don’t like to do hit pieces directed at individuals. For years I’ve tried — and admittedly oft failed — to maintain two mantra:

1) Attack the work, not the person

2) Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence.

But that has become increasingly difficult in a world of cult-like worship, peddling of outright lies, and unparalleled stench of ignorance found in web development.

And if anyone is the poster child for this, it’s Adam Wathan.

I have called him, others like Otto and Thornton, and in general those who slop endless pointless idiotic classes on everything predators; preying on the feeble minded and those who just don’t know any better.

I have to admit that may not have been fair on my part.

Certainly they make fraudulent claims about how their approach of writing two to ten times the markup, pissing on caching models, and recreating everything wrong with HTML 3.2 being magically somehow “easier” or “better for collaboration” or “scaling to large products” are 100% fraudulent



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse