Add a contact page to Jamify

Joost Jansky
9 min readMar 13, 2021


A contact page is a great way for your readers to interact with you directly. In this tutorial you will learn how easy it is to add a standard contact page to your Jamify website. Choose a backend that best fits your needs and learn how to connect to it, so your contact form is fully functional.

In addition to providing your audience with a simple way to reach out to you, a contact page also protects your personal or company email from being exposed to spammers. Furthermore, a well designed contact form conveys what information you expect to be provided which hopefully results in more high quality requests.


This tutorial assumes that you already know how to get a Jamify site up and running. If this is not the case, please head over to our Getting Started tutorial.

You can either start from the base directory of your existing Jamify site or else clone the starter to create a playground for testing purposes. The latter approach is totally risk free and also great for this demo:

$ git clone jamify- contact
$ cd jamify-contact

The git clone command downloads the Jamify starter and puts it into a work directory named jamify-contact. The Jamify starter is a fully…

