
AI and the Coming of Human Idea Farm

John Ege
9 min readSep 17, 2021


Have you ever been in a class and asked a lecturer a question, or heard a question from a peer, and the lecturer takes a pause and then said, ‘good question.’ Was it good? Was that simply social courtesy? Can expert acknowledge brilliance of student, without fear of dissolving their own brilliance? Did conversation improve clarity of the subject and advance understanding? Human intellectual development is predicated on a concept of thesis-antithesis- synthesis. Social development has been reliant on a few, designated individuals to advance human understanding- but what if we could bring everyone to the conference table?


Networks of computers process more information than computers in isolation. This is also true for humans. Group therapy can have more benefits to human processing than individual therapy, because you’re networking more human brains into problem resolution. Eureka moments don’t have to be obvious lightening strikes. They can be subtle shifts of landscape, like micro expression, shifts in leaning, the sudden emergence or disappearance of leg shaking, crossing or unfolding arms, or diverted gazes. You don’t have to contribute verbally to transmit data and take in data.

Many people report not liking group therapy, probably because we’re not use to thinking in a networking of minds. We tend to also…



John Ege
Writer for

LPC-S, Director for MUFON, TX, and father of 1... Discovering the Unseen through Art, Word, Thought, and Mystery.