AI and the Future Job Market — It Concerns Me

Is AI coming for everything we love?

Michael Swengel


Photo by Tomasz Frankowski on Unsplash

Most people who know me know I love technology and its possibilities. In the past 50 years especially, we’ve seen exponential growth in many key technology-focused fields, and our lives are better for it. But the advancement of artificial intelligence is something that gives me great pause. While I’m excited to see what the future holds, there’s something in me that feels very uneasy about where we’re headed with AI.

How we got here

In the past, artificial intelligence was billed as something that would make our lives easier and more fun by freeing humans from the burden of continuous, repetitive tasks that we don’t really want to do anyway. We were told that we would be freed to take on tasks and roles that were more rewarding and more fun.

I don’t want to spend hours and hours modeling a bajillion little trees for a single render in Blender. If I can speed that process up, great! I don’t relish the idea of manually performing certain tasks that I know don’t really light my fire when I could be focusing my time on doing the things I really love.

Imagine my excitement when I, as someone who loves creativity and whose dream is to make a living being creative, learned that one day AI would free me…



Michael Swengel

11+ years experience working in the IT field. Loves writing about Apple, Artificial Intelligence, Microsoft and other relevant tech and productivity topics.