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An introduction to Emotional AI in Business

Understanding the current state and the applications of Emotional AI in businesses today.

Jair Ribeiro
Published in
7 min readSep 17, 2021


When it comes to understanding emotion, humans have always claimed superiority over machines. That, however, will not be the case for long.

While some may be skeptical of machines encroaching on emotion, those working in the field of Emotional artificial Intelligence, also known as emotion AI or affective computing, believe we’re well on our way.

Our relationship with advanced technologies is becoming increasingly complex. As a result, the need for emotional Intelligence is now greater than ever, as AI becomes an inherent part of our lives. As a result, we rely on it like never before.

This artificial intelligence-powered social transformation will significantly impact how we manage our emotions and customer relationships.

A better understanding of emotional intelligence in business is becoming increasingly important because it assists us in managing the use of AI in business and analyzes our efforts to provide a better customer experience.



Jair Ribeiro
Writer for

Top #5 Global AI Thought Leader, Father, Writer, and Reader