Android Bottom Sheet — How to use it in practice

Where and how to use the bottom sheet according to Material Design guidelines

Yanneck Reiß


Foto von Vladislav Vasnetsov von Pexels

Just as its name implies, a bottom sheet is anchored to the bottom of your screen and can be displayed either as modal dialog or directly be integrated into a layout.

In this article, we will take a look at this helpful component. We will see in what type of situations you can use it and how to implement each of its variations.

At the end of this article, you should have a deep understanding of how the Android Bottom Sheet component works and how to make use of it.


The component takes part in the Material Design Guidelines. For a non-modal bottom sheet, the guidelines propose to include it in situations where you want to present additional content to the main UI.

For the modal variation, you can use it to present additional functionalities instead of a menu or provide deep links for interaction with other apps.

Standard Bottom Sheet

The standard bottom sheet is contained directly within the layout and takes place at the very bottom. It can have multiple states. You can either change its visibility programmatically and or changes its…



Yanneck Reiß

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