Are JavaScript Minification Tools Getting Too “Try Hard?”

Jason Knight
Published in
11 min readSep 6, 2023


Note this article was not on my planned schedule. It came up whilst doing work that pays better than writing here, but I just had to get this out there.

In web development JavaScript minification is a quick, dirty, and easy way to squeeze a hair more speed out of your websites. Just strip out unneeded whitespace, brackets, maka a few variable name changes to single letters, and the resultant smaller files can consume half or less the bandwidth, and take less space in the user’s cache. Seems like a no-brainer.

But I just had a client notice something… odd. I had written them a smaller script that was 2k… being it’s for a client I can’t share it but we got these results out of Google’s “Closure Compiler Service”

Closure made the file… LARGER?

It made the file… larger? Delta Alpha Foxtrot Uniform Quebec?!?

Now, it’s so small I wouldn’t have bothered minifying it, but this result is strange… I dig in, and closure adds all sorts of crazy code of their own… so I asked myself if I just manually whitespace stripped that 2k file, how big is it?

1.5k / 642 bytes gzipped.

I tried a few other minifiers most of which seem to be based on something called “terser”, and they gave a smaller file size, but did something strange. They deleted an outer {} used for scope…



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse