AI techniques for military

Asma Tipu
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2021

The Artificial intelligence will appear as a game changer for military. AI integration will advance the military operations by many ways. By all means, this includes administration, training, organization, personal assistance as well as daily activities.

The Military-AI-System will bring an evolution. Consequently, this will cause enhancement in the planning of logical and efficient battle plans. Artificial Intelligence tends to decrease the work load of warriors. It will enhance them to concentrate on central responsibilities.

Artificial Intelligence has the capability to escalate the combat skills of military through following means:

  • Integrated actions on basis of Artificial intelligence
  • Cyber weapons
  • Cyber security
  • AI based transportation
  • Robotic combats
  • Predictive and successive analysis
  • Cyber Warfare
  • Guided missiles on the basis of Artificial intelligence
  • Autonomous weapon system

Next generation weapons

Artificial Intelligence has changed the view point for weapons. AI weapons and autonomous weapon performs critical functions. These weapons basically processes the data from the algorithms.

The main two steps are determination and to attack. Determination includes selection and identification. And then attack ( to create damage).


The blend of drones and artificial intelligence is the response of major needs of the future. In the most recent battle of Azerbaijan and Armenia, persisting explosions and drone swarms came in sight. They filled the skies and caused horrifying damage. And all this happened without any heavy weapons or any motorized columns on land.

For instance, a recent is example is of a drone ditching a bomb on the airport of Jammu.

If infantry soldiers came across combat drones and auto machinery. Then surely latter will cause greater damage with less casualties. This is probability a reality for the not-so-far.

Cyber weapons:

In General, it is thought that some AI weapons probably have been created by Intelligence services of US and Israel.Particularly, this was deployed against nuclear enrichment facilities of Iran.

Concludes, cyber weapons are not far off. These war machines will be ready soon to use. Secret cyber intelligence has got the support of PLA.

First AI War

Warfare has come a way long. Israel has showed how to use Artificial intelligence in a war and also claimed it as “First Artificial Intelligence War’’. Significantly, this war was a part of operation Guardians of Walls and was against Hamas.

There was a vast use of supercomputers. Particularly, these computers were on basis of data collection and machine learning. Artificial intelligence was the key component of Israeli Defense Force (IDF). It did not include any land soldiery or air force even.

There is an often spoken phrase “ We generally make plans to fight the last war” and it is time to take it seriously . Henceforth, look forward to the future wars.

AI battlefield


​A new kind of race is underway all over the globe.


Artificial intelligence enables the armies to be more aligned. China is quite determined to takeover of the future AI battlefields. In the meantime, co-chair of the National Security Commission on Artificial intelligence has delivered the warning:

“We are not organized to win this competition. We just are not”,he says.”we have to take this competition seriously, and we need to win it’’he added.

Chinese policymakers released, China’s National Defense Roadmap, Outlining the complete AI-ecosystem for the Chinese Army as their 10th white paper of defense.

Cyberspace and Cybersecurity

In recent years, some states have justified progressive militarization of cyberspace. It has become a strategic priority and battlefield for them. Meanwhile, they have become aware of systemic risk caused by offensive cyber tools.

Cyber Attacks:

Cyber Attacks are more conventional form of attacks. Provided that, Cyber attacks are undetectable, if done accurately. Even two states are not actively at war, they will frequently launch cyber attacks in opposition to each other.

In fact, cyber attacks can be launched furtively and partly.By means of, there are no risk for consequences for such attacks . In any event, there is no internationally agreed substructure for blame of cyber attacks.

Consequently, new antidotes are introduced as new means of attacks come forward and so on. There is an arms race on in order to the scale of cyber warfare.


The future artificial AI wars which perhaps are on their way. These wars will simply be a battle of good AI robots versus bad AI robots.In these wars, we will play role as audience to observe who wins.

Hoffman said,”As with any stage of evolution, you have to be prepared to hand away an element of control. We are getting towards a point where artificial intelligence will be the only form of defence, but will we as humans be prepared to hand over that control?

To summarize, the cyber war is not-so-far and will be quite unforeseen. Musk, for example, has warned that AI is “summoning the demons”.

In essence, hope that Artificial intelligence will serve for beneficial purposes and avoid any kind of detriment.

