Ascendence Of The Architect

Dr Stuart Woolley
Published in
6 min readFeb 3, 2024


Does technical evolution turn cynical progressive developers into software architects?

“Image generated using OpenAI’s DALL·E.”

During my regular outing getting soaked to the skin by the roaring Atlantic Ocean otherwise known as a “morning walk” or “trying to keep fit” (but drinking coffee and eating croissants as a daily somewhat self-defeating reward instead) I had a rather alarming, and perhaps profound, thought.

Am I becoming intolerant? Am I a typical “young punks get off my lawn!” aged misanthrope, or is it just that I’ve accidentally become some kind of software architect or perhaps technological dilettante without even noticing it creeping up on me?

When I got home, changed out of yet another set of wet clothes, dried what’s left of my hair, and reheated the lukewarm Spar coffee in the microwave (microplastics FTW!), I had a little but of a think about it.

Let’s do some non-software source code introspection.

You see, when I was a younger and less progressive software engineer I’d genuinely enjoy the challenge of decoding the operation of a new microwave oven, finding out how to program a video recorder¹, or even quit like helping people with their new printers but now I find myself repeatedly turning to the younger generation to offload these, what I feel are mundane, tasks whilst I busy myself with things that I’m…



Dr Stuart Woolley

Worries about the future. Way too involved with software. Likes coffee, maths, and . Would prefer to be in academia. SpaceX, X, and Overwatch fan.