Rakesh Potnuru
Published in
8 min readFeb 18, 2023


Automate MERN App Deployment with GitHub Actions CI/CD

As you continue to develop your software, you must also continue to integrate it with previous code and deploy it to servers. Manually doing this is a time-consuming process that can occasionally result in errors. So, we need to do this in a continuous and automated manner, which is what you will learn in this article.

Let’s Get Started

The Problem

Consider our productivity app. There are numerous steps we must complete, from building the application to pushing it to the docker hub. First, we must run tests with a command to determine whether all tests are passed or not; if all tests are passed, we build docker images and then push those images to Docker Hub. If your application is extremely complex, you may need to take additional steps. Now, we’re doing everything manually, which takes time and can lead to mistakes.

waiting for deployment without devops

The Solution

To address this problem, we can create a CI/CD Pipeline. So, whenever you add a feature or fix a bug, this pipeline is triggered, which automatically performs all of the steps from testing to deploying.

What is CI/CD and Why it’s Important?



Rakesh Potnuru
Writer for

I write about web technologies, tools and my learnings. Connect with me — itsrakesh.com. (New article every week.)