Avoiding The 3 Worst Types Of Software Project Managers

Batten down the hatches as an old salt tells tales of how to navigate around the treacherous sirens of project management!

Dr Stuart Woolley


Photo by Victoria Borodinova from Pexels

A Life on the Ocean Wave

We’ve all most likely been in the position where a new manager has been newly hired to run an existing team of software engineers.

More often than not there’s a fair amount of angst stacking up on any newly rudderless team looking for a new captain, especially if things had been going well before the previous incumbent either jumped ship or were so bad that they were forced to walk the plank¹.

If not happening in our own team of code making rabble-rousers, we’d be watching carefully though the company spyglass at the faraway goings on lest we have our own impending iceberg dealing-with situation in the future.

Frequently, at least with more progressive companies, developers themselves would have been directly involved with the hiring process — either for the purposes of determining technical acumen of some sort or for that more elusive trait of ‘culture fit’ that is so often talked about.

After all, if the company higher-ups at the corporate admiralty have decided to replace a…



Dr Stuart Woolley

Worries about the future. Way too involved with software. Likes coffee, maths, and . Would prefer to be in academia. SpaceX, X, and Overwatch fan.