Azure Cosmos DB. Monitoring and Troubleshooting.

Anatolii Gabuza
Published in
6 min readApr 5, 2021


In this, another part of the series, we already know how to set up an account, what’s the difference between the Serverless and Provisioned throughput.

We will learn the types of monitoring available in Cosmos DB and then set up the Log Analytics workspace and troubleshoot the physical partition split event.

This article is a part of the series. Check the below articles before proceeding to log analysis:


Cosmos DB as a first-class citizen of Microsoft Azure provides excellent tooling for monitoring and troubleshooting. Search for account-level “monitoring” and you will see few options.

Among others, monitoring offers features familiar to Azure users: Application Insight Workbooks, Alerts, Metrics, and Logs. Some should bring unified monitoring experience to other Azure resources, but others open a set of tools specifically targeting fine-tuning Cosmos DB.

The “Insights (preview)” section gives an entry point to the Application Insights dashboard for your account. You can customize the default setup and tailor it to your interests.



Anatolii Gabuza

Father | Husband | Software Architect | Engineering Manager | Squash player | Third-generation beekeeper