Becoming a Frontend + Web3 Developer in 2024

Trust Onyekwere
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2022


If you are not living under a rock, you probably heard about Web3, blockchain, and the buzz surrounding it.

The response from the tech community is amazing and many web developers are jumping on the web3 wagon, especially front-end developers.

Do you want to get started in blockchain quickly or become a frontend developer in the web3 space? Then this article is for you.

Is now a good time to become a web3 frontend developer?

Looking at the job market and projected employment growth, we think the answer is pretty clear. Now is a great time to start a career as a web3 frontend developer!

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. How to become a modern frontend developer
  2. What technical skills does a front-end developer need?
  3. Programming languages, libraries, and frameworks
  4. What does it take to become a web3 frontend developer?
  5. Tools and platforms that make web3 development easy for frontend developers?
  6. Deploying smart contracts and DApps with no code.

Who is this article for?

  • Front-end developers who want to become web3 developers



Trust Onyekwere
Writer for

A human mingling around Blockchain 🔑 & Developer Relations 🎙️