Best 5 Reliable Portals to Hire PHP Developers

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5 min readOct 7, 2022

We understand how difficult it is these days to hire suitable PHP developers. The process is highly time-consuming still, it’s not guaranteed to come across the right programmers. Since there is a huge lack of adept software engineers in the industry, count on these 5 reliable portals to hire PHP developers.

As a reputed web development company in USA, it’s our responsibility to provide the best guidance to our clients and other needy businesses to conveniently hire the best PHP developers by accessing these portals.

Now, you must be highly curious as well as excited to know about which 5 best portals are we talking about. Well, wait a minute as we will share all the information right here in this blog.

Hire PHP Developers

Let’s start!

Before moving ahead to explore the best 5 portals, let’s acknowledge the need for PHP programmers presently.

PHP: A Dominating Language in the IT Sector

It is no surprise that PHP is an omnipresent language on the web today. Although it has been around for a long time, it still has the potential to dominate the area of web development today and for the decades to come.

PHP remains the safest and most popular choice for every organization that needs a flexible, scalable, and customizable website or application, regardless of the project’s size.

In the end, we would say that you will be successful in the long run if you select the best PHP developer, who will deliver efficient results with maximum agility. Finding the best developer from a large pool (5 million PHP developers and counting!) is a harrowing process, especially if you’re not a tech expert.

We understand, aside from experience levels, technical ability, budget, and many other factors affect the hiring of developers. For such scenarios, we have created this blog, check out the best 5 portals to hire PHP developers.

PHP Developers: High In Demand

PHP developers are those who write, test, and maintain code for web pages, programs, and applications using PHP’s dynamic scripting language.

Besides writing, checking, and maintaining codes for web pages, a skilled and experienced PHP developer prefers to work on projects of all types and levels of complexity, which requires high analytic and problem-solving skills.

Basic Skills PHP Developers Must Possess

  • Understanding of PHP programming language,
  • Operating with SQL / MySQL databases,
  • Familiarity with HTML and CSS,
  • Solid knowledge of JavaScript,
  • Expertise in version control systems (SVN / Git),
  • Practice with frameworks like Laravel, Symphony, YII2,
  • Firsthand skills with CMS like Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress,
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming.

Inventory of Best Portals to Hire PHP Developers

Don’t wait anymore, explore the ideal 5 portals to hire PHP developers: -

#5 LinkedIn

#4 People Per Hour

#3 Fiverr

#2 Upwork

#1 BootesNull

Concise Overview of Best Portals to Hire PHP Developers

#1 BootesNull

With BootesNull, you can connect with software engineers, designers, financial experts, product managers, and project managers across the world.

BootesNull is one of the best offshore software development companies that offer services globally. We have a team of 10+ experienced PHP developers. We are not working as freelancers, clients build long-term business relationships with us because of our robust development services. It is the reason BootesNull is considered one of the best portals to hire PHP developers.

#2 Upwork

Unlike some other freelancing platforms, Upwork matches clients with the best and most suitable PHP developers & companies according to their needs. It is used by more than 5 million businesses, thus, it is considered one of the excellent portals to hire PHP developers.

On Upwork, freelancers go through a strict onboarding process based on the degrees of saturation for particular skill sets or specialties. The portal maintains levels of security and quality, ensuring that job seekers can trust the experts and vice-versa, they discover.

The Upwork marketplace has the biggest variety of freelancers. In a few steps, you can, also, initiate a collaboration for complex PHP projects.

#3 Fiverr

Fiverr is another popular freelance marketplace for discovering talented PHP developers. By simply using a search engine, you can find dozens of “gigs” — which are websites that freelancers create to describe the services they offer (including prices and processes). For many businesses, Fiverr is one of the most suitable portals to hire PHP developers.

With Fiverr, you can find freelancers who work for as little as a few hundred dollars or professionals who charge thousands of dollars, depending on your budget. It is a good place to start if you do not have any detailed requirements and only need help with an urgent task.

#4 People Per Hour

People Per Hour is the next site on the list — a massive, United Kingdom-based freelance marketplace where you can find and hire PHP developers with a few clicks. On Fiverr, freelancers can create pages that specify details of services or jobs.

The platform is brimming with success stories, even though some of the freelancers might not be located in the United States or Europe. In addition, you can always browse through the profile of any promising candidate and find out their turnaround time and level of cooperation.

# 5 LinkedIn

A professional networking resource, LinkedIn is a goldmine for recruiters and project managers seeking to hire relevant talent. Fortunately, the platform isn’t only about finding or recruiting PHP developers. It also allows you to build long-lasting relationships with them.

In addition, you can post jobs on other job boards and freelance platforms. Ensure all the requirements (location, function, description, etc.) are listed and approach the suitable profiles. Candidates receive emails and notifications regarding the job post.

Wrapping Up

To sum up, we would say that adept PHP developers are hard to find as the competition is high. On the contrary, it’s also being said that PHP is a dying programming language now. However, the fact that it’s still useful in many project developments cannot be denied or ignored as PHP is used in numerous projects.

Furthermore, the shortage of PHP developers is soaring the demand. In such scenarios, bank on any of these top 5 reliable portals to hire PHP developers.



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