Best Platforms To Learn How To Code!

It’s so easy to get started these days!

Imaad Uddin
3 min readApr 19, 2023


Photo by Árpád Czapp on Unsplash

If you want to learn how to code, you might be overwhelmed by the number of available platforms. Luckily, I’ve compiled a list of the best platforms to get started.

One thing to remember is that you don’t have to use all of these resources. Go through each one, see which one you like best, and stick to that resource throughout your learning journey. By doing this it’ll help you stay focused and not get distracted by starting other courses that teach you the same thing you’re already learning but just with a fancier title or thumbnail.

Here are some learning platforms I’d recommend for you to check out:

1. Codecademy

Codecademy is a popular platform for beginners to learn how to code. It offers interactive coding lessons in various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS. The lessons are user-friendly and easy to follow, making it a great starting point for those with no coding experience.

Codecademy is also known for its gamified approach to learning, making it a fun and engaging way to learn how to code. The platform offers a free trial, so you can try it out before committing to a paid subscription.

2. Udemy

Udemy is another popular platform that offers courses in a variety of topics, including coding. Unlike Codecademy, Udemy courses are created by individual instructors, so the quality can vary. However, there are many highly-rated coding courses available on Udemy, and the platform often offers discounts on courses.

Udemy is also known for its affordability, with many courses priced under $20. This makes it an excellent option for those on a budget who still want to learn how to code.

3. Coursera

Coursera is a platform that partners with universities and organizations to offer online courses, including coding courses. The courses on Coursera are often more rigorous than those on other platforms, but they also offer the opportunity to earn certificates or even degrees.

Coursera is an excellent option for those looking to take their coding skills to the next level. The platform offers courses in a variety of programming languages, as well as more specialized topics like machine learning and data science.

4. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that offers free coding lessons in a variety of programming languages. They also offer projects and challenges to help learners apply what they’ve learned. FreeCodeCamp has a large community of learners, making it a great resource for those looking for support and connections.

FreeCodeCamp is an excellent option for those who want to learn how to code but can’t afford to pay for a course. The platform is entirely free, and the community is very supportive and welcoming.

5. edX

edX is another platform that partners with universities to offer online courses. Like Coursera, edX courses are often more rigorous and offer the opportunity to earn certificates or even degrees. However, edX also offers free courses, making it a great resource for those on a budget.

edX is an excellent option for those looking for a more structured learning experience. The platform offers courses from some of the world’s top universities, including Harvard and MIT.

These are just a few of the many coding platforms available. Remember that learning to code takes time and practice, no matter which platform you choose. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t understand everything right away — keep at it, and you’ll get there!

In conclusion, learning to code is an excellent way to open up new career opportunities and expand your horizons. With so many excellent platforms available, there’s never been a better time to start learning how to code. I appreciate you all reading, and I hope you found this helpful! Good luck coding, and have a great day!



Imaad Uddin

Tech, Finance & Software Engineering || Connect With Me Here 👉🏽