Best Practices for Terraform with AWS

Roman Ceresnak, PhD
Published in
8 min readFeb 5, 2024

1. Organize Your Terraform Code

Organizing Terraform code into a structured and modular form is paramount for maintaining an efficient and scalable infrastructure. By breaking down the code into reusable modules for components like VPCs, subnets, and EC2 instances, you promote both reusability and easier maintenance. This modular approach also enables swift updates and upgrades across various applications. Integrating a robust version control system like Git is essential, allowing for tracking of changes, facilitating team collaboration, and enabling rollbacks when necessary. Moreover, maintaining a clear and logical directory structure is critical. This means having separate directories for each environment, such as development, staging, and production, ensuring that the infrastructure is organized and manageable. Each directory should include comprehensive documentation, enhancing understanding and usability for the team. These practices result in a more streamlined, effective management of Terraform code, crucial for the deployment of reliable and scalable cloud infrastructure.


  • Breaking down Terraform code into modules like VPCs, subnets, and EC2 instances not only promotes reusability but also simplifies updates and changes. For instance, updating a module for EC2 instances can be done once, and the changes will be applied wherever it’s used.
  • Encourage module documentation to explain their purpose and usage, enhancing team understanding.

Version Control:

  • Emphasize regular commits to track incremental changes, making troubleshooting easier.
  • Consider implementing branch policies and pull requests to ensure code quality and peer review.

Directory Structure:

  • Use a naming convention that clearly indicates the purpose and scope of each directory.
  • Include a README file in each directory to explain its contents and how the components should be used.

2. Manage State Effectively

Effective state management in Terraform is vital for maintaining the integrity and performance of your infrastructure. Storing state files in a remote backend, such as AWS S3, coupled with state locking via DynamoDB, is crucial in preventing conflicts, especially in a team environment. This approach ensures that changes are made in a controlled and trackable manner. Additionally, state segmentation, where state files are split for different environments or modules, significantly reduces the blast radius in case of misconfigurations and enhances performance. It’s essential to regularly review state files to optimize their size and efficiency and to consider security implications and access control when segmenting states. This efficient management of state not only contributes to the stability of the infrastructure but also to its scalability and security, making it a critical practice in Terraform deployments.

Remote State:

  • Use Terraform workspaces to manage different environments, ensuring separation between them.
  • Implement automated backups of the state files for disaster recovery.

State Segmentation:

  • Regularly review and optimize state files to ensure they are as lean and efficient as possible.
  • Consider security implications and access control when segmenting state files.

3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Best Practices

Adhering to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) best practices is essential in ensuring robust and reliable Terraform deployments. One critical practice is version pinning, where specific versions of Terraform and AWS providers are specified to avoid inconsistencies and unexpected changes caused by updates. This approach ensures a stable and predictable infrastructure. Additionally, implementing rigorous code reviews and testing, possibly integrating tools like TerraTest, is crucial in maintaining high-quality code. These practices encourage a culture of thorough inspection focusing on security, performance, and functionality. Automated testing in CI/CD pipelines further ensures that the Terraform code is reliable and free from errors before deployment. By following these IaC best practices, teams can significantly reduce deployment risks and ensure that their infrastructure is both efficient and secure.

Version Pinning:

  • Detail the process of updating versions, including testing and validation steps.
  • Encourage the use of a consistent version across all environments to prevent inconsistencies.

Code Review and Testing:

  • Foster a culture of thorough code reviews focusing on both security and performance aspects.
  • Integrate automated testing into your CI/CD pipeline to ensure code quality before deployment.

4. Cost Optimization

Cost optimization in Terraform involves strategic management of resources to ensure efficiency without compromising on performance. Right-sizing AWS resources is fundamental; it involves tailoring the size and capacity of resources like EC2 instances to match the demand accurately. This practice avoids over-provisioning and unnecessary costs. Utilizing autoscaling is another effective strategy, which automatically adjusts resources in response to real-time demand, ensuring cost efficiency. Additionally, using spot instances for non-critical, interruptible workloads can lead to significant cost savings. These instances are often available at a fraction of the cost of standard instances. Employing tools like Terraform Cloud or terraform cost estimate to predict costs before deployment enables proactive budget management. By implementing these strategies, organizations can optimize their cloud expenses while maintaining the performance and scalability of their infrastructure.

Resource Sizing:

  • Utilize AWS CloudWatch metrics to make informed decisions about resizing.
  • Consider implementing scheduled scaling to handle predictable load changes.

Spot Instances:

  • Discuss strategies for using spot instances effectively, like fallback to on-demand instances.
  • Highlight potential use cases for spot instances, like batch processing or background jobs.

Cost Estimation Tools:

  • Regularly review and update estimates to reflect changes in AWS pricing and usage.
  • Encourage the use of these tools in the planning phase of projects for budgeting purposes.

5. Ensure High Availability

Ensuring high availability in Terraform-managed AWS infrastructure involves deploying critical components across multiple Availability Zones (AZs). This strategy protects against AZ failures and enhances the overall reliability of the system. Utilizing Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to distribute traffic evenly across these zones further increases fault tolerance and ensures consistent application performance. In addition, implementing robust backup and recovery strategies, such as regular snapshots and database backups, is essential. These practices not only safeguard data but also ensure quick recovery in the event of a failure. Regularly testing these recovery processes is equally important to ensure they work as expected in an emergency. By adopting these practices, Terraform-managed infrastructures can achieve high levels of availability, ensuring that critical applications remain operational and resilient to failures.

Multi-AZ Deployments:

  • Discuss the importance of balancing loads across AZs to prevent over-reliance on a single AZ.
  • Provide examples of architectures that utilize multi-AZ deployments effectively.

Load Balancing:

  • Highlight different types of load balancers (Application, Network, Classic) and their use cases.
  • Discuss strategies for health checks and auto-removal of unhealthy instances.

Backup and Recovery:

  • Emphasize the importance of regular backup testing and updating recovery procedures.
  • Include automation strategies for backups and recovery processes.

6. Security Practices

In Terraform deployments, implementing rigorous security practices is crucial for protecting infrastructure. Assigning least privilege IAM roles is a fundamental aspect, ensuring each resource has only the permissions necessary for its function, thereby minimizing the potential impact of security breaches. Managing secrets securely is another critical practice. Using tools like AWS Secrets Manager or SSM Parameter Store for handling sensitive information provides a secure and manageable approach. These tools integrate seamlessly with Terraform, enhancing security without compromising convenience. Furthermore, defining restrictive security groups and network ACLs helps in creating a robust defense against unauthorized access. Regular security audits of the infrastructure are essential for ensuring compliance and identifying potential vulnerabilities. These security practices collectively create a secure environment, vital for maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of Terraform-managed AWS resources.

Least Privilege IAM Roles:

  • Provide examples of commonly used IAM roles and their configurations.
  • Discuss strategies for regularly reviewing and tightening IAM policies.

Secure Secrets Management:

  • Highlight best practices for rotating secrets and auditing access.
  • Discuss the integration of these tools with Terraform and potential automation strategies.

Security Groups and NACLs:

  • Provide guidelines for defining and updating security groups and NACLs.
  • Emphasize the importance of regular reviews and audits of these configurations.

Regular Audits:

  • Discuss tools and practices for conducting these audits effectively.
  • Highlight the importance of actioning findings from audits promptly.

7. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines in Terraform is integral for automating testing and deployment processes. This automation ensures that changes to infrastructure are applied consistently and reliably. Using tools like Jenkins or AWS CodePipeline can facilitate seamless integration and delivery, enabling frequent and predictable deployments. A robust CI/CD pipeline includes automated testing, which verifies the correctness and performance of the infrastructure code before it’s deployed, reducing the likelihood of errors in production. Additionally, a well-defined change management process is crucial. This process should include proper documentation, review, and approval steps to manage infrastructure changes effectively. By employing CI/CD practices, teams can achieve more agile, efficient, and error-free deployments, making the infrastructure management process more streamlined and reliable.

Automate Deployments:

  • Detail strategies for managing complex deployment workflows, like blue/green or canary deployments.
  • Discuss integration with other AWS services for a more robust deployment process.

Change Management:

  • Highlight the importance of documentation and communication during change processes.
  • Provide examples of successful change management processes and the tools used.

8. Documentation and Training

Comprehensive documentation and training are essential components of effective Terraform infrastructure management. Keeping the Terraform code and architectural decisions well-documented ensures that the team and future contributors can easily understand and maintain the infrastructure. Documentation should be clear, up-to-date, and accessible, ideally including diagrams for visual representation. Equally important is ensuring that the team is adequately trained on Terraform best practices and AWS services. Regular training sessions, workshops, and encouraging certifications keep the team abreast of the latest developments and best practices. This continuous learning approach is crucial in a field that is rapidly evolving. By investing in thorough documentation and ongoing team training, organizations can ensure that their teams are capable of effectively managing and scaling their Terraform-managed infrastructures.

Document Everything:

  • Discuss the level of detail required in documentation and maintaining up-to-date records.
  • Encourage the use of diagrams and flowcharts for visual representation of architectures.

Team Training:

  • Highlight the importance of continuous learning and upskilling in the fast-evolving AWS and Terraform landscape.
  • Discuss different training approaches, such as workshops, online courses, and certifications.

9. Monitoring and Logging

Effective monitoring and logging are critical for maintaining the health and performance of Terraform-managed AWS infrastructure. Implementing comprehensive monitoring using AWS CloudWatch enables real-time tracking of resources and applications. This tool provides valuable insights through metrics and alarms, facilitating proactive management and quick response to issues. In addition to monitoring, collecting and analyzing logs is essential for auditing and troubleshooting. Tools like AWS CloudTrail and VPC Flow Logs provide detailed logging information, which is crucial for understanding the behavior of the infrastructure and identifying potential security incidents. Centralized log management aids in organizing and analyzing logs effectively, enabling quicker issue resolution and compliance tracking. By prioritizing monitoring and logging, teams can maintain high visibility into their infrastructure, ensuring its reliability, security, and optimal performance.

Utilize AWS CloudWatch:

  • Discuss setting up comprehensive alarms and metrics for proactive monitoring.
  • Highlight the integration of CloudWatch with other AWS services for deeper insights.

Log Management:

  • Provide best practices for log retention, organization, and analysis.
  • Discuss the importance of centralized log management for easier troubleshooting and auditing.

10. Regular Updates and Refactoring

Keeping up with the latest updates in Terraform and AWS is essential for leveraging new features and improvements. Regular updates to Terraform scripts ensure that the infrastructure benefits from the latest advancements and security patches. However, it’s crucial to understand the impact of these updates before implementing them to avoid introducing new issues. Alongside updates, periodic refactoring of the code is important to improve efficiency and maintainability. Refactoring involves revisiting existing code to optimize its structure and performance, ensuring the infrastructure remains efficient as it evolves. Signs indicating the need for refactoring include decreased performance, increased complexity, or challenges in managing the code. By committing to regular updates and proactive refactoring, teams can ensure that their Terraform-managed infrastructure remains modern, efficient, and easier to manage over time.

Keep Up with Terraform and AWS Updates:

  • Discuss strategies for staying informed about updates, such as subscribing to newsletters or attending webinars.
  • Highlight the importance of understanding the impact of updates before implementing them.

Refactor As Needed:

  • Discuss the signs indicating the need for refactoring, such as decreased performance or increased complexity.
  • Encourage a proactive approach to refactoring, including regular code reviews and performance analysis.

In conclusion, following these expanded practices will further enhance the robustness, scalability, and efficiency of your AWS infrastructure managed with Terraform. Tailoring these practices to fit your project’s unique requirements remains crucial for optimal results.



Roman Ceresnak, PhD
Writer for

AWS Cloud Architect. I write about education, fitness and programming. My website is