Best YouTube Channels to Learn Rust

Greatest online resource for learning Rust

Matteo Possamai
5 min readSep 17, 2022


Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash


If you are interested in knowing who is the person that actually inspired me to learn to program, it is Tim, the guy that has this channel. He has an incredible amount of high-quality videos that cover almost everything you can think about when it comes to Python, but also a lot of other different programming languages, like Rust.

There are videos for beginners, a long video or a small series, and then move to the most complicated arguments.

Also, the quality of the videos is incredible, we can say that is almost rare out there. Audio quality, video quality, but especially content quality. This is this channel. You will have also under almost every video link to the GitHub repository where he puts all the code, that you can copy and read. He has also a website with a lot of other content.

It is, in my opinion, the best choice you can make if you want to learn Python the proper way, but also for all the other languages it covers, it is a high-quality choice. It is a great way, you can’t go wrong.

Rating: 7.5/10

Traversy Media

Another channel that you can use to learn effectively Rust is the Brad Traversy one. He makes his video like they are life lessons, making them as real as they could be. He prepares the script, but then also adds every knowledge that his experience gives him. It is something that makes you feel quite like you are talking to someone, and not looking at a monitor.

He has a big Crash Course for Rust development and all his perks and specs.

The richness of all of these videos and the quality that they give to everyone that looks at them is something that is not that easy to find, especially for channels maintained by only one YouTuber, that is also a developer in real life. So, Very good choice. Go with Brad.

Rate: 9/10

I’m sure this is not the first time you’ve heard of this. It is a huge YouTube channel, with lots of effort and work put into it.

It is full of tutorials, especially in the form of long videos (over 5 hours) that you can stop and move across as and when you prefer. It is flexible and unique. It is rich in content. It is harder to find some topics that it doesn’t cover, than the covered ones.

There are videos with over 5 million views (the most viewed has over 30 million views). So, it is trustable, and high in quality. And, all this is also free.

In my opinion, the quality of these videos is even better than the majority of the paid courses I took in the past.

For Rust, there exist some full tutorial courses, from the beginner level to expert, and also more specific alternatives. All the most important topics are converted, and then you can use their resources to move forward in your learning journey of this language.

Rating: 8.5/10


Photo by Andrew George on Unsplash

One of the most complete and furnished youtube videos in tech matters. He has its own video course for Rust tutorials, with 41 total videos, but there is also other stuff to search in, like their website.

Great animation, very complete courses. It has good quality content, that will for sure help your knowledge and possibilities. The best thing about this channel is that if you take this course, you are completely immersed in the ecosystem of edureka.

It means that you have also a lot of other videos on tech topics that you can watch to enhance your general knowledge about the industry. It gives you a strong foundation, and not only. In my opinion, this channel is better for the less experienced developers but is only a tip.

Rate: 7.5/ 10


Photo by Xavier von Erlach on Unsplash

A smaller youtube channel is dcode. But it has a lot of videos tutorial, more than 500 ones in different languages and frameworks.

It has also its own Rust tutorial series made of 42 videos where he starts from the basics of the language itself and then passes to more specific and complicated topics.

It comes useful because the course is really well structured and rich in resources, and has good quality content. It can be also used when you are more advanced to review some topics you may forget.

Rate: 7/ 10


You can also find out good quality content on the Youtube channel called ‘Let’s Get Rusty’, and then in the two-hour-long video tutorial from Derek Banas. Check them out.,


So, these are the channels that I suggest you check out if you want to learn Rust. I’m sure that they are absolutely valuable, and will help you a lot in learning this incredible programming language.

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Matteo Possamai
Writer for

Computer science student, technology enthusiast, interested in backend services, software development and Open Source.