Better Safe Than Sorry

Software Engineering Done Right — s02e01



As we engineer software products, we must be aware that it is used in unforeseen ways. Some ways sprout from the creativity of the user, some relate to the user’s ignorance and inexperience. A third unforeseen way is related to mischief and malice. This third group of ways of how our product will be used might be unforeseen but must be anticipated. Security must be part of the requirements, design, and implementation to effectively be implemented. a key aspect that is instrumental to deliver a secure product is found in the way it is constructed, the build system. This article is the first of the second season and it will ensure that the application being developed in the series is as secure as practically possible at this phase of our product’s development.

From ThreeAxis to Arc-E-Tect

Before everything else a short house-keeping message: The repository containing all source code has been renamed from the ThreeAxis username to the Arc-E-Tect username. The source code for this and previous episodes can be retrieved from:




Some people see things and ask ‘Why?’ I dream of things and ask ‘Why not?’