Build a CSS Theme Switcher in Vue JS

Nevin Katz
Published in
10 min readMar 30, 2021


Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

Suppose you are building a website or webpage component for a client who is feeling indecisive about the design. You may want to give your client the opportunity to toggle between styles on a live page to get a sense of how they compare. Having a tool like this at the ready could help your client arrive at a decision.

Here, we will look at a way to build a simple version of a CSS theme switcher with the popular front-end framework known as Vue JS.

What We Will Create

The theme switcher we will build, shown below, allows you to switch themes using tabs. When you press a tab, Vue works behind the scenes to change the CSS class of the output element. Try clicking the tabs here in the demo below to see how it works.

Intended Audience

This tutorial is geared towards people fairly new to Vue JS who have modest to advanced experience with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. If you want to try Vue without the need for a command-line approach, this is a good tutorial to start with. And if you only know HTML and…



Nevin Katz
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