How to Build a C Compiler Using Lex and Yacc

Anjaneya Tripathi
Published in
25 min readNov 18, 2021


How cool would it be to create our own compiler and execute programs? Sounds amazing doesn’t it? Well, you’re at the right place!


A compiler is a program that converts code in a programming language (which is high-level) into a machine-understandable format (low-level). This compiler then generates an executable program that can be used to parse and execute input files in a particular language.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the front-end phase of a compiler ie. building the symbol table, generating the syntax tree, identifying semantic errors, and generating the intermediate code.

There are 6 sections in this article.

Part 1: Creating the Lexical Analyser

Part 2: Adding the Grammar Rules

Part 3: Creating the Symbol Table

Part 4: Adding the Syntax Tree

Part 5: Performing Semantic Analysis

Part 6: Intermediate Code Generation

In case you want to jump to the code, head over to my GitHub repository and get started. ⭐️ it if you like the content. 😃

What is Lex?

Source: Looper

No, not Lex Luthor.

Lex is a tool used to create a lexical analyzer. So what is lexical analysis? It is the process in which a stream of characters is converted into a sequence of tokens. Such programs are called lexers or tokenizers. The file contains a set of regular expressions along with actions associated with each of them. The output is a table-driven scanner — which tells us what to do when we see a particular input character based on the state we are in. This output is saved in a file called lex.yy.c. All Lex files have a structure similar to the one given below.


The declarations are of two types, in C, and in Lex. All imports and global declarations are done in C and enclosed within %{ and %}. In addition to this, the Lex file can contain definitions of regular expressions and symbols.

The rules consist of patterns followed by the actions in the same line.

Finally, the subroutines contain our own functions that we would like to write.

Source: Meme

Taking a Look at Yacc

Yacc (Yet Another Compiler Compiler) is a tool used to create a parser. It parses the stream of tokens from the Lex file and performs the semantic analysis. Yacc translates a given Context-Free Grammar (CFG) specifications into a C implementation This C program when compiled, yields an executable parser. A Yacc file is in many ways, similar to the Lex file.


The declarations and subroutines are the same as those in Lex, but the rules are slightly different. Here, the rules are not regular expressions, rather they are grammar definitions in CFG. These rules, like in Lex, have two parts — productions and actions.

Fig. 1: Thomas Niemann

There is another file that is created — which we haven’t talked about yet. This is a file created when we compile the Yacc file. It tells our Lex file about all the valid token declarations that are defined in our Yacc program.

Now that we know how Lex and Yacc files look like, we can dive deeper and begin constructing our very own C compiler.

What are the capabilities of our compiler?

Before we start coding, our compiler will accept:

  1. valid C statement such as declarations, initializations etc.
  2. if-else statements
  3. for loops
  4. nested for and if-else statements

We will be implementing the front-end phase of the compiler, that is:

  1. generating the symbol table
  2. creating the parse tree
  3. performing semantic analysis
  4. generating the intermediate code

With our goals set, let’s begin coding!

Part 1: Creating the Lexical Analyzer

The Lex file, as we know by now has 3 parts. We will begin with our declarations, then move on to the rules and finally add all the functions necessary.

1. Declarations

Let us first declare all the imports and global variables necessary for our compiler.

#include ""
int countn=0; /* for keeping track of the line number */

We include and a counter to keep track of the line number we are on. This will be used later on in the symbol table as well as helping us debug.

We next have our regular definitions.

%option yylinenoalpha          [a-zA-Z]
digit [0-9]
unary "++"|"--"

%option yylineno creates a scanner that stores the line number.

2. Rules

This is one of the most important parts of our Lex file. We define all the rules necessary to tokenize the input stream we get from the C program. These tokens will then be used by our Yacc file.

First, let us define rules for our keywords. Here, if we come across printf or scanf, our lexer will identify it and return the token PRINTFF and SCANFF respectively.

"printf"    { strcpy(,(yytext)); return PRINTFF; }
"scanf" { strcpy(,(yytext)); return SCANFF; }

We similarly describe rules for other keywords such as int, float, for, if, else etc. In order to understand the other rules, being familiar with regex syntax is essential.

The above code is our final Lex program. The subroutines section will be explained below.

3. Subroutines

Our subroutine is very simple, has only one function called yywrap().

int yywrap() {
return 1;

At this point, there may be some confusion, what are all these yy functions — yywrap, yylval, yytext etc.?

Fig. 2: Thomas Niemann

With that done, our Lex file is complete!

We can now compile our Lex file by using the following command

lex lexer.l

So far, we have covered what is a compiler is, what Lex and Yacc are and how they can help us make our own compiler. Finally, we coded our own Lex program to generate tokens for any input C program.

In the subsequent sections, we will work on creating our Yacc program and ultimately our very own C compiler.

Part 2: Adding the Grammar Rules

In this section, our objective is to create our Yacc file with all the grammar rules essential for parsing the input C program. Future articles will talk about creating the symbol table, parse tree, semantic analysis and intermediate code generation.

Coding our YACC Program

As discussed earlier, the Yacc program consists of three sections. We will go through each part sequentially.

1. Declarations

In our declaration, we import the necessary header files and function declarations that will be used in the Yacc program.


void yyerror(const char *s);
int yylex();
int yywrap();

The header files are straight from C, so we will skip over them. We have 3 functions that are defined — yyerror(const char *s), yylex() and yywrap(). The latter 2 have been discussed in Part 1, coming to yyerror(), it is a library function that displays an error message.

Moving on, we see %token followed by a bunch of words. These words are actually tokens that the YACC file can accept. This is stored in which is used by the Lex program.

2. Rules

With our definitions done, it is time to get started with the rules of our parser. Before we begin, let us understand how rules are defined and there basic structure.

production-name: definition 1    { action }
| definition 2 { more action }
| { some more action }

After definition 2, the next production we see is a null production. The actions corresponding to each definition are optional. They are executed on the basis of the definition which is satisfied for each production.

Let us take a simple declaration statement in C.

int x = 35;orfloat x;

We now define how the grammar will look above such declarative statements.

declaration: datatype ID '=' value
| datatype ID
datatype: INT
value: NUMBER

We will now systematically write all the grammar definitions that will be used to create our parser.

The first grammar will be for the whole C program structure. Each C program has a set of header files, the declaration of the main function, followed by the body and return statement. Our compiler assumes that there is only one function in our C code — the main function.

program: headers main '(' ')' '{' body return '}'

Next, we talk about the headers. INCLUDE is a token defined in our Lex program. The reason we have headers headers is to accommodate for multiple header files.

headers: headers headers

The main is another production which is defined below. We assume that no arguments are passed to this main function.

main: datatype ID

As you can see, datatype is not amongst the tokens defined above, but is another production.

datatype: INT 

After the main, comes the body of our C code. The body can have a multitude of possible statements and loops. They are defined in the rules as follows.

body: FOR '(' statement ';' condition ';' statement ')' '{' body '}'
| IF '(' condition ')' '{' body '}' else
| statement ';'
| body body
| PRINTFF '(' STR ')' ';'
| SCANFF '(' STR ',' '&' ID ')' ';'

Upon closer examination, we see that the code block within the for loop and if statement contains body once again. This allows our compiler to accept nested statements of varying complexities.

The if-else declaration contains the else production at the end. This allows us to have if-else as well as simple if statements. We define else as:

else: ELSE '{' body '}'

There are two more productions that are a part of the body that need to be discussed — condition and statement.

condition: value relop value 
statement: datatype ID init
| ID '=' expression
| ID relop expression

Now that we know the production rules of condition and statement, we can proceed to look at the other productions being used in them.

value can be an integer, decimal value, character or a variable.

value: NUMBER
| ID

relop is a production that defines all the possible relational operations that can be performed.

relop: LT
| GT
| LE
| GE
| EQ
| NE

Coming to statement, we can see that we have initializations, declarations as well as assignment operations. While declaring a variable in C, it is not necessary to initialize it to a specific value. That is why the init production is a nullable production.

init: '=' value 

Moving on, we have expression.

expression: expression arithmetic expression
| value

These expressions can have arithmetic operations, so we have defined another production for the same. The arithmetic operations are defined as, but not limited to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

arithmetic: ADD

With all these productions completed, we are done with the body of our C program. The final part to the C code is the return statement. We define return as follows.

return: RETURN value ';' 

return is also a nullable production.

With all these definitions done, we are done with the second part of our Yacc file. We can now move onto the final segment — subroutines.

3. Subroutines

Our subroutines consists of two functions — main and yyerror. They are defined as follows.

int main() {
void yyerror(const char* msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);

The main function tells us to parse the input file while yyerror prints the errors that occur when we compile and execute our Yacc file.

The complete integrated code of all the productions we defined in the rules section, declarations and subroutines is given below.

To compile our Yacc program, we run the following command:

yacc -v -d parser1.y

To generate the executable, we run:

gcc -ll

To test our compiler, we execute the command given below. (Assuming you have a C program called input1.c.


With that, we are done with our Yacc file. The complete integrated code of all the productions we defined in the rules section, declarations and subroutines is given below.

At the moment, no actions have been defined. As a result, if the program is a valid C code, it will not show any syntax error while executing.

In the next section, we will talk about how to create the symbol table for our compiler.

Part 3: Creating the Symbol Table

In this part, our aim is to construct the symbol table and store header files, variables, keywords and constants along with details such as line number, the type and data type. They will be discussed in further detail in this article. Our goal is to achieve the following symbol table.

Fig. 1: Symbol Table

The symbol table stores the identifier, the datatype (applicable to variables only), the type or category of the identifier and the line number.

With that said, let’s get started with adding the symbol table functionality to our previous code.

Adding the Symbol Table

In order to add our symbol table, we must first define the structure and details. Our symbol table will have details like the name of the symbol, the data type, the type of symbol (keyword, constant, variable etc.) and the line number.

struct dataType {
char * id_name;
char * data_type;
char * type;
int line_no;
} symbol_table[40];

NOTE: The line number proved to be a huge help in all the stages of the compiler as it would tell us which line the error was in whenever the program crashed.

Here, the 40 indicates the maximum number of entries in our symbol table, this can be increased or decreased as per our requirements.

The next part that needs to be addressed is the insert_type() function. This function is called whenever a function or variable is added to the symbol table. It copies the data type of the variable or function to be added to the character array called type.

void insert_type() {
strcpy(type, yytext);

Now, we come to the main part of the symbol table feature — adding the symbols to our table. We use the add function to achieve this purpose.

void add(char c) {
if(!q) {
if(c == 'H') {
else if(c == 'K') {
} else if(c == 'V') {
} else if(c == 'C') {
} else if(c == 'F') {

In order to ensure that we do not have repeated occurrences of the same symbol in our table, we use thesearch function. It is defined as:

int search(char *type) { 
int i;
for(i=count-1; i>=0; i--) {
if(strcmp(symbol_table[i].id_name, type)==0) {
return -1;
return 0;

Once the functions are done and ready, all we have to do is start inserting the function calls at the relevant places. We have 5 types of symbols:

  1. H — Headers: for all the header files
  2. K — Keywords: for keywords like for, if, else etc.
  3. V — Variables: called only during variable declarations
  4. C — Constants: any assignment such as 9, 'A', -3.14 etc.
  5. F — Functions: for now, only main

After adding the function calls at the right place, all we need to do is print the table in the main function of the Yacc file. The function calls to add and the updated main function can be seen below.

All we need to do now is compile and run our compiler. The commands are:

yacc -v -d parser2.y
lex lexer.l
gcc -ll

In order to get the output shown in Fig. 1, the corresponding C code is as follows.

We are finally done with creating our symbol table. Congratulations on coming up this far! Grab some coffee as we dive deeper.

In the next section we will talk about creating the parse tree for our C program. Feel free to play around with whatever we have done so far.

Part 4: Adding the Syntax Tree

We now deal with creating the parse tree for C programs using our compiler. In the end, we will print the inorder traversal of the parse tree for our C code. Let’s get cracking!

Creating the Abstract Syntax Tree

Our parse tree will be a binary tree — it’ll have two children. The root of the tree will be the start of the program. The structure is extremely simple and intuitive.

| |
headers main
| |
body return

The body will consists of multiple statements, loops and if-else blocks. In order to construct a tree like this, we need to first create nodes. Once that is done, we write a function to add the elements to the tree and finally print the tree.

We will tackle this one step at a time, starting with defining our node.

1. Node for Our Tree

Like any node for a binary tree, it’ll have a left and right child along with the data about the node, here it is called token.

struct node {
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
char *token;

We also need to redefine the types of the tokens and productions.

We call this new type nd_obj. It is defined as follows.

struct var_name {
char name[100];
struct node* nd;
} nd_obj;

In the later stages of our compiler, we will be adding different node types. They will be called nd_obj2, nd_obj3 and so on.

In our definitions, we make a small modification by adding the type.


%type <nd_obj> headers main body return datatype expression statement init value arithmetic relop program

At this stage, we must modify our Lex file as well. All the tokens are now of time nd_obj so we can now save the name of the token.

The updated Lex file is shown below.

As seen in Part 1 of this series, yylval is the value associated with the token. Using yytext, we assign the name to our tokens.

2. Making the Nodes and Adding them to the Parse Tree

We define the origin of the tree as head. It is of type node. This will serve as the entry point to access our parse tree. We define this in the first segment of the YACC file.

struct node *head;

The next step is to create a function that will add the nodes to the tree. This will be called mknode(). This function will take 3 arguments — the left child, right child and name of the node.

struct node* mknode(struct node *left, struct node *right, char *token) {
struct node *newnode = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
char *newstr = (char*) malloc(strlen(token)+1);
strcpy(newstr, token);
newnode->left = left;
newnode->right = right;
newnode->token = newstr;

As you can see, this function will help us make our tree. The next step is to call this function and pass the necessary parameters.

Before we get started with this part, it is imperative to understand how we access the productions and the elements in the grammar. Assume we have the following production:

print: PRINTFF { add('K'); } '(' STR ')' ';'

To access PRINTFF we use $1. To access STR we use $4. The elements are indexed from 1 and any actions that occur in between the {} count as one element. That is why STR is $4 and not $3. We will be using this to call the mknode() function and pass the productions as children if necessary. In order to access the production ie. print we use $$.nd.

We start generating our tree from the program production. We will then move in order based on the productions in parser2.y which we had made in Part 3 of this series.

program: headers main '(' ')' '{' body return '}' { 
$2.nd = mknode($6.nd, $7.nd, "main");
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $2.nd, "program");
head = $$.nd;

Here, we assign main to have children body and return while the node is called “main”. program is called “program” and it’s children are header and main. Since this will be the entry point of our parse tree, we assign program to head.

We next move on to the header node.

headers: headers headers { 
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $2.nd, "headers"); }
$$.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;

In case of multiple headers, we create a new node having children header once again. If there is a single header we save the name as that of the header file and having no children.

We now move onto body. We skip main because it has been taken care of in the program production.

body: FOR { add('K'); } '(' statement ';' condition ';' statement ')' '{' body '}' { 
struct node *temp = mknode($6.nd, $8.nd, "CONDITION");
struct node *temp2 = mknode($4.nd, temp, "CONDITION");
$$.nd = mknode(temp2, $11.nd, $;
| IF { add('K'); } '(' condition ')' '{' body '}' else {
struct node *iff = mknode($4.nd, $8.nd, $;
$$.nd = mknode(iff, $11.nd, "if-else");
| statement ';' { $$.nd = $1.nd; }
| body body { $$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $2.nd, "statements"); }
| PRINTFF { add('K'); } '(' STR ')' ';' { $$.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, "printf"); }
| SCANFF { add('K'); } '(' STR ',' '&' ID ')' ';' {
$$.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, "scanf");

The for loop has a tricky structure, which will be explained below.

| |
condition body
| |
declaration condition
| |
check iterator

That is why we have two temporary nodes in our code — to handle the check condition and the iteration while the other temporary node handles the declaration of the iterator as well as the above temporary node.

condition: value relop value { 
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $3.nd, $;
| TRUE { add('K'); $$.nd = NULL; }
| FALSE { add('K'); $$.nd = NULL; }
| { $$.nd = NULL; };

The if-else block is implemented similarly, feel free to generate a tree like above to understand how it works.

else: ELSE { add('K'); } '{' body '}' { 
$$.nd = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, $;
| { $$.nd = NULL; };

To keep things simple, we do not store the string that the printf functions have in our parse tree, for now they are leaf nodes. Feel free to add them to your code!

We next take a look at statement.

statement: datatype ID { add('V'); } init { 
$2.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;
$$.nd = mknode($2.nd, $4.nd, "declaration");
| ID '=' expression {
$1.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $3.nd, "=");
| ID relop expression {
$1.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $3.nd, $;
$1.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;
$2.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $2.nd, "ITERATOR");
$1.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;
$2.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $2.nd, "ITERATOR");

As you can see, we make nodes for the various statements in this section. The logic for creating the nodes has already been covered, so we can just write down the codes directly.

Taking a look at init.

init: '=' value { $$.nd = $2.nd; }
| { $$.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, "NULL"); }

We now take a look at expression.

expression: expression arithmetic expression { 
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $3.nd, $;
| value { $$.nd = $1.nd; }

value is another production which will be added to the tree. However, it will be a leaf node always.

value: NUMBER { add('C'); $$.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $; }
| FLOAT_NUM { add('C'); $$.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $; }
| CHARACTER { add('C'); $$.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $; }
| ID { $$.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $; }

We finally reach the last production that needs to be included in our parse tree, return.

return: RETURN { add('K'); } value ';' { 
$1.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, "return");
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $3.nd, "RETURN");
| { $$.nd = NULL; }

Our parse tree is finally constructed. All we need to do is an inorder traversal of the tree.

3. Inorder Traversal of the Abstract Syntax Tree

All we have to is an traverse the tree in an inorder fashion. The code for inorder traversal is as follows.

void printInorder(struct node *tree) {
int i;
if (tree->left) {
printf("%s, ", tree->token);
if (tree->right) {

The complete code is shown below.

All we need to do now is compile and run our compiler. The commands are:

yacc -v -d parser3.y
lex lexer.l
gcc -ll

Congratulations! We have successfully performed syntax analysis as well and generated the abstract syntax tree through our compiler. Test it out on your own C programs too.

Part 5: Performing Semantic Analysis

We will now implement the semantic phase in our compiler. This phase will check for type conversions, undeclared variables, multiple declarations of variables etc. We will print the errors (if any) along with line numbers. Implicit type casting will be shown in the annotated syntax tree or AST.

Adding Semantics to Our Compiler

Our semantic analyzer will cover 4 types of static checks.

1. Variables not Declared

For this, we use the check_declaration() function that checks if the identifier passed as a parameter is present in the symbol table. If not, an error message is printed indicating that the variable hasn’t been declared. The check declaration function is called every time an identifier is encountered in statement apart from a declarative statement.

void check_declaration(char *c) {    
q = search(c);
if(!q) {
sprintf(errors[sem_errors], "Line %d: Variable \"%s\" not declared before usage!\n", countn+1, c);

2. Multiple Declarations of Variables

Our compiler assumes the C program has a single scope, thus, variables cannot be redeclared even within loops. For this check, the add() function is modified to check if the symbol is present in the symbol table before inserting it. If the symbol is already present, and it is of the type variable, an error message is printed which informs the user that there have been multiple declarations of the identifier.

if(c == 'V' && q) {
sprintf(errors[sem_errors], "Line %d: Multiple declarations of \"%s\" not allowed!\n", countn+1, yytext);

3. Variables are not Reserved Words

We perform a simple check by seeing if the variable belongs to a list of reserved keywords. This is performed before we add it to the symbol table during declaration.

if(c == 'V') {  
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
if(!strcmp(reserved[i], strdup(yytext))) {
sprintf(errors[sem_errors], "Line %d: Variable name \"%s\" is a reserved keyword!\n", countn+1, yytext);

The above code segment is added to the add() function.

4. Type Checking

For this, the check_types function is used, which takes the types of both variables as input. If the types match, no action is taken. If one variable needs to be converted to another type, the corresponding type conversion node is inserted in the syntax tree (inttofloat or floattoint). The type field is added to the struct representing value and expression tokens to keep track of the type of the compound expressions. As a result, a new structure called nd_obj2 was created. The output of this phase is the annotated syntax tree.

int check_types(char *type1, char *type2) { 
// declaration with no init
if(!strcmp(type2, "null")) return -1;
// both datatypes are same
if(!strcmp(type1, type2)) return 0;
// both datatypes are different
if(!strcmp(type1, "int") && !strcmp(type2, "float")) return 1;
if(!strcmp(type1, "float") && !strcmp(type2, "int")) return 2;
if(!strcmp(type1, "int") && !strcmp(type2, "char")) return 3;
if(!strcmp(type1, "char") && !strcmp(type2, "int")) return 4;
if(!strcmp(type1, "float") && !strcmp(type2, "char")) return 5;
if(!strcmp(type1, "char") && !strcmp(type2, "float")) return 6;

The values returned are used in the statement production during initialization of the variables.

statement: datatype ID { add('V'); } init {
$2.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;
int t = check_types($, $4.type);
if(t>0) {
if(t == 1) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "floattoint");
$$.nd = mknode($2.nd, temp, "declaration");
else if(t == 2) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "inttofloat");
$$.nd = mknode($2.nd, temp, "declaration");
else if(t == 3) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "chartoint");
$$.nd = mknode($2.nd, temp, "declaration");
else if(t == 4) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "inttochar");
$$.nd = mknode($2.nd, temp, "declaration");
else if(t == 5) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "chartofloat");
$$.nd = mknode($2.nd, temp, "declaration");
else {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "floattochar");
$$.nd = mknode($2.nd, temp, "declaration");
else {
$$.nd = mknode($2.nd, $4.nd, "declaration");

The rest of the statement production will be discussed below.

We have defined another function called get_type which will be used for the remaining statement productions.

char *get_type(char *var) { 
for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
if(!strcmp(symbol_table[i].id_name, var)) {
return symbol_table[i].data_type;

We modify our second production in statement as follows.

statement: ID { check_declaration($; } '=' expression { 
$1.nd = mknode(NULL, NULL, $;
char *id_type = get_type($;
if(strcmp(id_type, $4.type)) {
if(!strcmp(id_type, "int")) {
if(!strcmp($4.type, "float")) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "floattoint");
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, temp, "=");
else {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "chartoint");
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, temp, "=");
else if(!strcmp(id_type, "float")) {
if(!strcmp($4.type, "int")) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "inttofloat");
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, temp, "=");
else {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "chartofloat");
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, temp, "=");
else {
if(!strcmp($4.type, "int")) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "inttochar");
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, temp, "=");
else {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $4.nd, "floattochar");
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, temp, "=");
else {
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $4.nd, "=");

We perform type casting when assigning an expression to a variable.

Similarly, for expression, we must also check for type conversions.

expression: expression arithmetic expression {  
if(!strcmp($1.type, $3.type)) {
sprintf($$.type, $1.type);
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $3.nd, $;
else {
if(!strcmp($1.type, "int") && !strcmp($3.type, "float")) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $1.nd, "inttofloat");
sprintf($$.type, $3.type);
$$.nd = mknode(temp, $3.nd, $;
else if(!strcmp($1.type, "float") && !strcmp($3.type, "int")) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $3.nd, "inttofloat");
sprintf($$.type, $1.type);
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, temp, $;
else if(!strcmp($1.type, "int") && !strcmp($3.type, "char")){
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $3.nd, "chartoint");
sprintf($$.type, $1.type);
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, temp, $;
else if(!strcmp($1.type, "char") && !strcmp($3.type, "int")) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $1.nd, "chartoint");
sprintf($$.type, $3.type);
$$.nd = mknode(temp, $3.nd, $;
else if(!strcmp($1.type, "float") && !strcmp($3.type, "char")) {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $3.nd, "chartofloat");
sprintf($$.type, $1.type);
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, temp, $;
else {
struct node *temp = mknode(NULL, $1.nd, "chartofloat");
sprintf($$.type, $3.type);
$$.nd = mknode(temp, $3.nd, $;
| value {
strcpy($$.name, $;
sprintf($$.type, $1.type);
$$.nd = $1.nd;

Once these changes are made, we are done with the semantic phase. One thing to note is that we have a variable called sem_errors which keeps track of the semantic errors that are present in our code. This is used in our main function of the Yacc program to print relevant messages.

The final code after implementing the semantic phase is given below.

All we need to do now is compile and run our compiler. The commands are:

yacc -v -d parser4.y
lex lexer.l
gcc -ll

input1.c is available in Part 3 of this series.

We are finally done with the semantic phase of our compiler! All that is left is the intermediate code generation and then we are done with the front-end phase of our very own C compiler.

Part 6: Intermediate Code Generation


We now talk about the last and final phase in the front-end of a compiler — intermediate code generation. For this, the three address code representation is used. Variables are used to keep track of the next temporary variable and the labels to be generated. The condition statements of if and for are also declared to store the labels to goto depending on if the condition is satisfied or not. The output of this step is the intermediate code.

Intermediate Code Generation

In order to implement this, a third structure is to be created called nd_obj3. It has the following details.

struct var_name3 {
char name[100];
struct node* nd;
char if_body[5];
char else_body[5];
} nd_obj3;

We also declare condition to be of type nd_obj3 now.

%type <nd_obj3> condition

In addition to this, we have to keep track of the temporary variables that are being used, counter for labels and a flag to check of the code block is for or if-else.

int temp_var=0; 
int label=0;
int is_for=0;

We then proceed to print the intermediate codes for our program. Let us take a look at the for loop. After that we can extend the same logic to the whole program.

body: FOR { add('K'); is_for = 1; } '(' statement ';' condition ';' statement ')' '{' body '}' {  
struct node *temp = mknode($6.nd, $8.nd, "CONDITION");
struct node *temp2 = mknode($4.nd, temp, "CONDITION");
$$.nd = mknode(temp2, $11.nd, $;
sprintf(icg[ic_idx++], buff);
sprintf(icg[ic_idx++], "JUMP to %s\n", $6.if_body);
sprintf(icg[ic_idx++], "\nLABEL %s:\n", $6.else_body);

Now, what is the if_body and else_body and where is it set for our condition? Let us take a look. The if_body and else_body store the labels where the control should be redirected to based on the result of our condition.

condition: value relop value {  
$$.nd = mknode($1.nd, $3.nd, $;
if(is_for) {
sprintf($$.if_body, "L%d", label++);
sprintf(icg[ic_idx++], "\nLABEL %s:\n", $$.if_body);
sprintf(icg[ic_idx++], "\nif NOT (%s %s %s) GOTO L%d\n", $, $, $, label);
sprintf($$.else_body, "L%d", label++);
else {
sprintf(icg[ic_idx++], "\nif (%s %s %s) GOTO L%d else GOTO L%d\n", $, $, $, label, label+1);
sprintf($$.if_body, "L%d", label++);
sprintf($$.else_body, "L%d", label++);
| TRUE { add('K'); $$.nd = NULL; }
| FALSE { add('K'); $$.nd = NULL; }
| { $$.nd = NULL; };

We modify the condition production to store the details regarding the intermediate code. The if_body and else_body store the labels for which the control must be redirected while we store the actual printing in a character buffer called icg. Here, we have used is_for to distinguish between for and if-else because the intermediate code that needs to be generated differs slightly.

We similarly append more statements regarding the ICG to this buffer and print it in the end. The complete code is available below.

All we need to do now is compile and run our compiler. The commands are:

yacc -v -d parser5.y
lex lexer.l
gcc -ll


Ta Da! We have successfully made our very own C compiler and implemented the front-end phase of it. We started off with a simple lexical analyser and as we progressed over this series, we added more features and ended up with a proper compiler which implements the front-end phase. It has been an amazing journey to learn what a compiler is, how it works and finally get our hands dirty to build one. Hope you all had a great time, see you soon!

