Building a Premier League Results Matrix in Excel

A convenient way of displaying season match results

Andrew Moss


Maybe you’re a football fan — maybe you’re not. Besides, the new Premier League season started last weekend. Amidst the empty stadiums and general doom and gloom, you’d be forgiven for not feeling as enthusiastic about it compared to previous seasons. However, I’ve got something for you that will whet your appetite.

I thought I’d show you a really cool results matrix I built in Excel, which allows you to view all match results for a given season. In addition, you can calculate totals and highlight matches based on a number of different criteria.


⚠️ Microsoft 365 Required

An Excel desktop copy that’s part of a Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) subscription is required. Excel 2019 or anything older will not work unfortunately. New functions and dynamic arrays have been utilised and these are only available in Microsoft 365.

This article does assume you have a good foundation of Excel knowledge, as some of the techniques used in the workbook…

