Call for Content: Informational Interviews

Are you a tech leader with a message to share? Inquire within.

Kairsten Fay
2 min readNov 17, 2023


A microphone used to record someone’s voice for high quality audio content
Photo by Michal Czyz on Unsplash

Since April 2021, I have been publishing highlights from my personal journey of starting from zero coding skills to becoming a senior software engineer at Meta.

While I plan to continue my mixed mentorship/reflection writing, I have found it increasingly challenging to produce regular, insightful content about my current journey as I navigate larger and more complex challenges at work.

In a new effort to continue blogging at a regular cadence, I will diversify my content by amplifying other people’s stories.

Casting call

I am seeking tech industry leaders with unique experiences. Examples include (but are not limited to) someone who:

  • overcame significant challenges to achieve success
  • co-founded a start-up or small company
  • volunteers their tech skills within their community

I am currently looking for senior+ folks in any tech-related roles (software engineer, data analyst, product manager, UX designer, etc.).


Logistically, I am imagining the interview process with an interested candidate (you?) would go like this:

1. We schedule a 30 minute video call.

2. At least one day before the call, I will send you a list of primary questions I plan to ask.

3. I record the call (for transcript purposes only). I am not a podcaster or video creator. I am only interested in writing for now.

4. Afterward, I send you the draft article for review.

5. I publish the article to my Medium blog. You may choose to cross publish on your own blog but with my Medium article’s link as the canonical URL.

6. As a writer, I enjoy getting paid for my work. I will publish behind Medium’s pay wall, but I will provide you with a link to bypass this pay wall. (Note: Medium gives non-subscribers 5 free pay walled article reads each month.)

7. I share the blog post on socials as I usually do.

Next steps

If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for an informational interview, please reach out to me on LinkedIn. I additionally encourage women, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and any other underrepresented minorities in tech to reach out.

Let’s tell some stories together.



Kairsten Fay

Sr. software engineer and storyteller. I publish articles demystifying tech culture. SWE @ Meta. 1x top writer in Technology. Seattle-based. 🏳️‍🌈