Can We All Just Admit React Hooks Were a Bad Idea?

Amy Blankenship
Published in
15 min readJul 31, 2022


Part 2: According to the React team

Closeup of fishhook cactus
Image by Mike Goad from Pixabay

If you haven’t read Part 1, you might want to check it out now:

I also seriously want to thank everyone who pushed me over the 100-follower threshold. You’re the reason I’m blowing out my Saturday writing this vs. going to Whole Foods or hanging my new blinds. And also thank you to the people who subscribed through my subscriber link. You rock.

From the React team itself

As I sat down to work on this post, I of course did a search to see what the most current state of the conversation on the matter is, and I found this gem on Reddit talking about why the React Team has realized that coding like they told you to has put developers in a world of hurt.

Basically, it boils down to “data fetching from inside components is a bad idea.” Which anyone who has been doing enterprise development for long enough to have seen MVC come into existence could have told you — it’s why MVC rose to prominence. Mixing your business logic (not just data fetching…



Amy Blankenship
Writer for

Full Stack developer at fintech company. I mainly write about React, Javascript, Typescript, and testing.