Chat GPT : A Developer's Dearest Friend

ilham bounoua
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2023

At first, when people used to ask me about Chat GPT and if I like it, I was like: it seems like a cool discovery, but I’m not really sure what it can offer me that I can’t find on Google or I already know myself. But in a short amount of time, I realized it’s not really a WHAT issue, it’s more of a HOW?

Because yes, Chat GPT does bring information from the net, information we can find ourselves, I’ll give you that, but the way he organizes the answers in a way that makes you save so much time and effort is amazing, without forgetting to bring to the table the fact he can tolerate you long confusing explanations and keep a neutral and polite attitude, something that your co-workers can’t deal with all the time, which is impressive.

So to sum it up, it allows you to be lazy and introverted, developers’ two famous traits, and focus only on what you do best: Code. And because of that, I’ve decided to share with you 8 ways I’m using Chat GPT when it comes to Code and development :

1- Accumulating database information:

Not the first thing to come to mind I know, but the first issue developers meet when they try making their own apps is information, developers are not doctors, not nutritionists, not lawyers, or teachers, they know their stuff, but an app must be useful to people, help them with something they don’t already know themselves, and here Chat GPT come in, so picture you want to make an app that gives instructions to people suffering from certain diseases, well, Chat GPT can give you a list of those famous diseases, and then give you instructions for each, all you have to do is your job in implementing those infos in the app and creating categories to it, search…. focus on your magic in coding. after you’re done, if you find a certified doctor to approve the information it will be great, but you’ve already done the job on your own, you don’t depend on anybody else.

2- Play the role of your junior assistant:
It’s easy for Chat GPT to write a code for you, that, we agree on, but it also can write an adapted code for you, saying you give him the name of your variables and your db tables and he will provide you with a perfect code, all you have to do is paste it on, and if you don’t like something about it you can ask him to change that only, without repeating your self from the beginning. I find that amazing, it satisfies my ego to have an assistant.

3- A dear friend when you’re on your own:

Do you know those moments in which people surprise you with that piece of code that’s not working or some program or app, and they say I’m sure you’ll get it figured if you take a look at it, but in reality, you have no idea what they’re talking about, or more the less how to get it fixed, and in the same time, you may don’t want to be rude or may think it will be uncomfortable for both of you to say that’s not my expertise and leave the room.

Well if you go to GPT in that kind of moment, it will indicate for you the coding language, an explanation of what the code is doing, and maybe a solution or two to the problem, it may or may not work, true, but at least it, you’ve tried, knew what’s going, explained the problem to your client or friend, and even if it didn’t work, well you can always orient them to a professional who can fix it. And I’m sure that kind of effort will be appreciated.

4- Content creation:

If it makes part of your job or not, I think it’s always useful, especially if you’re in web development, it’s better to write a few meaningful words sometimes than a bunch of words of Lorem Ipsum, maybe at least a Slogon, some titles, a representation paragraph.

If your client has no idea what to write on his website or app, you can give him a few ideas (or chatty can), it will considerably help him and will be appreciated.

5- budget expectation:

How much ? is one of the first questions a developer will be asked, especially in mobile development, with firebase hosting to Google APIs, you would like to know for how many users, how many requests you could still be on the clear, and when you will start paying, GPT can give you that kind of expectations.

6- Api comparison :

Budget, needs, complexity, and skills; make us always, us developers wondering which one should I use. He’s not going to answer that question for you, unless why are you taking your paycheck for? But he can at least make it easier for you to decide by giving you a list of the best APIs for your need and a comparison between them if you ask for it.

7- Finding the error:

The needle in a haystack, we may be used to it, but it’s better sometimes to find who does it in our place, isn’t it? I don’t think I need to convince you in this one.

8-Tools guidance:

So many tools in this world, Cpanel, GitHub, Node, and many others, that we don’t know how to use all their potential, especially under pressure, so here it’s like you have called a support center, but avoid the embarrassment of looking stupid, because our friend here not just gives us instructions, but in case you can’t find something, have issues with some specific step, he gives you suggestions for it. I’m personally feeling more open to new tools since GPT.

These are usually my ways of using chat GPT, I’m pretty sure you have your little trick with it, don’t hesitate to comment that down below, and let people learn from you.

