Clouds and Metaverse Against Cybersecurity: Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2023

The emerging technology like cloud, metaverse, and IoT (Internet of Things) are greatly influencing how the business evolves while concerning the development of cybersecurity. In the metaverse, the cybersecurity development is still in early stages, security concerns need to place consumer protections front and center if adoption is to thrive.

No cybersecurity problem will ever really be solved until we can protect both internal and external emerging problems!

Potential threats such as spoofing, phishing, and identity fraud to malware, ransomware, social media abuse, and watering hole attacks lie within the system. However, when it comes to metaverse and cloud, the environment is more complex and dynamic, leaving many anonymous identities and more personalized interactions being created.

Here are the top cyberthreats that companies should be aware of!

1. Peeping Tom Attacks

Using anonymity, criminals can easily sneak into various servers and gain credential information. This attack enables criminals to eavesdrop in virtual reality rooms in order to exploit the flaws and gain complete control over the user’s computers. When this happens, criminals can secretly deliver malware and start a worm infection.

2. Voice and Facial Features Cloning

Flexibility offered by metaverse to create avatars creates a huge possibility of hijacking video recordings using avatars. Using synthetic voices and facial features — or “a digital mask”, criminals are easier in hiding their identity cybers cybersecurity professionals are concerned there is no way of identifying who is really behind the avatar.

3. Compromised Machine Identities

Metaverse and cloud collect billions of machine-to-machine communications that already occur daily without any human interaction — whether across the internet of things, edge computing devices, or traditional IT systems. This could cause unsupervised interaction which leads to data leaking, worm spread, or virus attacks.

4. Consumer Threats

Fake, malicious VR and AR apps, as well as privacy risks and potential abuse associated with metaverse and clouds, are responsible for threats that consumers haven’t encountered before. These risks could threaten consumers’ experience when using metaverse and cloud, making it unsafe when conducting transactional actions.

Additionally, the potential security risks of the virtual world are rising. Due to various cyberthreats in metaverse and clouds, improving effective cybersecurity solutions should become a priority for digital leaders and stakeholders. Thus, creating a safer environment for both consumers and organizations to interact within the platforms can improve their experience utilizing metaverse and clouds.

Here’s How to Strengthen Cybersecurity System in Metaverse and Cloud!

As companies are looking for faster and quicker way to engage with their customers, Metaverse offers dynamic digital environment where people can interact virtually in 3D space real-time without needed to be ‘physically’ there. This condition can both benefiting and backfiring companies if they’re unprepared with threats that lies within.

Various threats such as social engineering, peeping tom attacks, and voice and feature cloning will be majorly challenged the metaverse. With increasing anonymity and personalized services, each issues are harder to tackle and solve. Therefore, an updated and effective cybersecurity solutions is needed to minimize potential risks.

How can we secure our activity when using Metaverse?

1. Secure Coding

Secure coding underlines code security best practices, safeguards and protects published code from vulnerabilities such as security exploits, the loss of cloud secrets, embedded credentials, shared keys, confidential business data and personally identifiable information. Secure coding create greater barrier system against malicious attacks and threats.

2. Smart Contract Security

When conducting transaction in a virtual reality platform, implementing smart contract is essential to secure every transactions and business in order to reduce undesired scenarios. Using blockchain technology, each transaction will be executed using agreed tokens among users which prevent other party to interfere with the transactions’ flow.

3. Zero Trust Architecture

By implementing the principle “never trust, always verify”, zero trust architecture underlined the needs of validating every stage of each digital interaction while eliminating implicit trust. It prevents unauthorized transactions or interaction sneaking in, as well as blocking malicious attacks and threats.

4. Individual-focused Security

A whole cybersecurity system is no longer only build according to the overall system architecture, but also need to more focused on each transaction and interaction done by users in virtual reality platform. Individual-focused security will prevent risky behaviour from users such as sharing password and data misuse.

By increasing our self awareness and knowledge in cybersecurity, we can secure our activities and others from being misused by criminals when using metaverse and virtual reality platform. Organizations can also spread awareness across team to increase protection while still optimizing metaverse’s potentials for their business.

Read more insights and articles about how to strenghten your cybersecurity system and improve your business’ performance in our webpage here.



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