Common Pitfalls in Spring Boot

Best Practices and Examples

Kesk -*-


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Spring boot as you surely know is a powerful framework designed to simplify the development of new Spring applications. It has gained significant popularity among developers for its ability to enhance productivity and application performance. However, despite its comprehensive features and ease of use, certain common pitfalls can hinder the full potential of applications built with Spring Boot. This post aims to shed light on these pitfalls, offering examples and best practices to help developers avoid them and maximize the efficiency of their Spring Boot applications.

let’s start!

Overlooking Spring Boot Starters

Common Mistake: One common mistake is neglecting the Spring Boot Starters, which are a set of convenient dependency descriptors that can simplify your project configuration.

Best Practice: Always explore the Spring Boot Starters available for your project. For instance, if you’re developing a web application, using spring-boot-starter-web can automatically configure all the necessary dependencies for your application, saving you time and effort in project setup.

In addition, if we use the starters spring boot takes care of configuring the necessary version.



Kesk -*-
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